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Scaling Privileged Access for Modern Infrastructure Real World Insights

Implementing and scaling privileged access in modern computing environments generates new challenges for security and engineering productivity. Modern computing architectures are ephemeral, elastic, on-demand, and complex. This webinar delves into the challenges faced by platform engineering and infrastructure teams when enabling secure access in these environments.

Unlocking the Future: Beyond Doors - Brivo's Vision for Smart, Secure Spaces

Dive into the heart of innovation with Brivo as we explore the transformative power of smart spaces in today's world. Security is no longer just about opening and closing doors; it's about creating intelligent environments that prioritize your focus and safety.

Introducing GitGuardian's Advanced Jira Cloud integration

Speed up your remediation workflow with GitGuardian's new Advanced Jira Cloud integration: Users have already been able to manually open Jira tickets from the incident view in the dashboard. Now, you can configure GitGuardian to create a new Jira ticket to track any needed development efforts. You can also configure the Jira tickets to resolve an incident in GitGuardian when a specific status is reached. It will mark the associated incident as Resolved so you can stay focused on other work.

Why InfoSec is the 'Department of No': Insights from a Cybersecurity Expert

Dive into the world of cybersecurity with this eye-opening episode from the Razorwire Podcast. Discover why cybersecurity teams are often seen as the "Department of No" in the corporate world, similar to how dentists are viewed—necessary but avoided until absolutely essential. This short explores the crucial, yet often thankless job of protecting data and systems, highlighting the unique challenges faced by those in information security. Join us to understand the critical role these professionals play, especially when crisis strikes and the organisation's digital health is at risk.

AI Revolution in Access Control: Transforming Security with Brivo

Dive into the future of security with Brivo as we explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence in access control systems. 🔒💡 In this video, Steve Van Till, a pioneer in smart spaces technology, unveils how AI equips us with advanced toolsets, enabling more efficient and effective security solutions. Discover how Brivo is leading the charge in integrating AI into commercial real estate, multifamily residential, and large enterprises, ensuring unparalleled security automation. 🤖🔑