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How YellowAI Uses AWS & Snyk: Securing Cloud & Apps Using a Developer-First Approach

Citu Singh of CNBC-TV18 asks technology business leaders to share their philosophy on developing applications quickly and safely. Apoorva Gaurav, VP of Engineering from YellowAI, talks about how his team uses Snyk, while Shaun McLagan, VP of Snyk APJ, shares the benefits of a developer-first approach to security.

Fostering the Next Generation of Cyber Security Professionals: A Grassroots Approach

Discover the potential of incorporating mandatory cyber security lessons in schools and the impact it could have on developing future experts in the field. Learn how countries like Israel are leading the way and why it's time for the UK to invest more in STEM education, including cyber security. Change the perception of the industry and inspire the next generation to become problem-solvers and solutions providers in the field.

Introducing Torq Parallel Loop

Introducing Torq Parallel Loop Torq is proud to introduce Parallel Loop, a new capability that enables users to process bulk data from myriad security tools with unprecedented ease. It also provides the power of orchestration like no other automation tool in the security automation industry with true parallelism. That means multiple tasks can be run simultaneously, and optionally, on multiple elastically-scaled compute resources, shortening the time workflow automations take to complete by 10x or more.

The 443 Episode 228 - What is CVSS?

This week on the podcast we cover the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) including how it works and some of its limitations. Before that though, we discuss a recent survey on the risks of ChatGPT's usage in cyberattacks and the latest activity from Lazarus, the North Korean government hacking operation. The 443 Security Simplified is a weekly podcast that gets inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers, covering the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends.

Random but Memorable - Episode 10.1: Zero Trust Rap Edition with George Finney

On today's show we welcome best-selling author, George Finney, to the show to discuss his latest book: Project Zero Trust: A Story about a Strategy for Aligning Security and the Business. Tune in to find out his 5-step methodology for implementing Zero Trust in your organization.

Under the Wing: Automating Workflows with Falcon Fusion

76% of organizations report not having enough qualified security specialists. 80% of them report alert fatigue — with analysts scrambling to respond to multiplying alerts and few to no processes to streamline investigation and response. Join us in the next episode to learn how teams are using tools like Falcon Fusion to automate workflows, streamline operations and keep their team moving fast.

The Importance of People in Cyber Security: A Process and Technology Perspective

In this video, we delve into the crucial role of people in cyber security. Following the people-process-technology approach, we discuss why having the right individuals in place within an organization is key. Learn how the skills of these individuals define your processes and how technology can aid in augmenting your efforts. Discover why the people element should always be the focus and why it's not always easy to find the right individuals when you need them. Join us in exploring the importance of people in cyber security.