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Learn OPA for Kubernetes Admission Control with Styra Academy

As enterprises build and run cloud-native applications on Kubernetes, platform engineering teams are responsible for empowering dozens, hundreds or even thousands of developers to rapidly configure the right infrastructure resources to run mission-critical applications. At the same time, today’s complex threat landscape and strict regulatory environment make it increasingly difficult for developers to configure secure and compliant infrastructure.

BYOD Increases Mobile Phishing Rates, and the Risks Have Never Been Higher

Stolen employee login credentials are one of the most effective ways for bad actors to infiltrate your organization’s infrastructure. Once they have the login information of one of your accounts in hand, it becomes much easier for them to bypass security measures and gain access to your sensitive data. So how do attackers get those login credentials? The answer in many cases is mobile phishing.

PyPI Packages Used to Deliver Python Remote Access Tools

As part of a project to obtain more awareness of initial attack vectors outside of the common phishing and web application exploitation, Kroll’s Cyber Threat Intelligence team has developed a tool to enable the enhanced monitoring of the Python Package Index (PyPI) to find and obtain malicious packages that are added to it.

MITRE ATT&CK and D3FEND for Cloud and Containers

MITRE ATT&CK and MITRE D3FEND are both frameworks developed by the non-profit organization MITRE, but they serve different purposes. If you are new to the MITRE ATT&CK framework and would like to brush up on some of the concepts first, we created a Learn Cloud Native article to help you on your journey. If you want to go further, here’s how Falco’s Cloudtrail rules align with MITRE ATT&CK.

Social Engineering: Definition & 6 Attack Types

We all know about the attacker who leverages their technical expertise to infiltrate protected computer systems and compromise sensitive data. This type of malicious actor ends up in the news all the time. But they’re not the only ones making headlines. So too are “social engineers,” individuals who use phone calls and other media to exploit human psychology and trick people into handing over access to the organization’s sensitive information.

What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)? Types of XSS, Examples, and Patching Best Practices

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a security vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject malicious code into a web page viewed by other users, usually in a script. When other users view the compromised page, the injected code can execute and steal sensitive information or perform malicious actions on their behalf. This attack typically targets web applications that allow user-generated content or input, such as message boards, comment sections, or search boxes.

Secrets Management: Meeting Developers Where They Are

There’s always a balancing act when it comes to building and deploying cloud-native applications in environments like Amazon Web Services (AWS). The whole point of moving production to the cloud is that developers can move faster than ever before, innovating and shipping new features on a daily basis. But that same speed can be an organization’s downfall if development outpaces security processes and accidentally exposes secrets or other credentials to potential attackers.

Three expert tips for cultivating secure software development practices

We often hear about the importance of DevSecOps — integrating security into DevOps processes. But as many security professionals know, it’s not nearly as easy as it sounds. Cultivating secure software development practices requires working alongside developers with varying opinions, priorities, and idiosyncrasies. And any process involving humans is complicated. So, how do today’s security teams overcome these challenges and make secure software development practices a reality?