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Data Security

The latest News and Information on Data Security including privacy, protection, and encryption.

Top 5 Benefits of Cloud Data Protection Platform

Making money is the ultimate goal of any corporation but not losing money is just as important. According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach is $4.24M, a substantial impact on your bottom line. And according to Gartner, by 2025, 60% of organizations will use cybersecurity risk assessment as the primary factor in choosing business partners. You cannot go any further without adequate cybersecurity solutions.

Best practices for reducing sensitive data blindspots and risk

Modern applications log vast amounts of personal and business information that should not be accessible to external sources. Organizations face the difficult task of securing and storing this sensitive data in order to protect their customers and remain compliant. But there is often a lack of visibility into the sensitive data that application services are logging, especially in large-scale environments, and the requirements for handling it can vary across industries and regions.

Important Data Privacy Questions You Should Be Asking Now

Data has become a valuable possession since the boom of technology for the past decade. Massive amounts of data are stored every day in every sector for various reasons. Though all the information collected through various methods is used to create an easy life, many companies take too lightly on data privacy and protection. Data breaches are becoming more frequent due to less consideration of securing the data.

SecureAPlus users upgrade FREE to CatchPulse

SecureAge Technology recently announced the relaunch and renaming of SecureAPlus which is taking place in May 2022. The new upgraded version is now known as CatchPulse. In this post, we would like to share with our existing home customers how this change will affect your SecureAPlus Essentials and Pro installations.

How SecurityBridge & SECUDE offer additional layer of Data Security for SAP data

For many years, it’s been said that data is the new oil. This means that data rich companies could well be more successful than their competitors. Data and information are like fuel for companies since both are needed for ongoing business transactions and innovation. Companies can only win the race against their competitors if they are not losing this fuel, meaning they must keep data secure at all times and anywhere.

Data is Everywhere and Encryption Must Follow: Why You Need EDRM

It is becoming increasingly difficult to guarantee a safe boundary for your sensitive data. As work-from-anywhere cements, employees are now collaborating freely with each other, with contractors and with partners. But this freedom to collaborate more broadly also means information is being shared among devices, applications and networks that your organization doesn't necessarily have control over.

Automate data discovery & classification with Bearer

Data leaks and breaches lead to business risks such as regulatory fines, brand damage and revenue loss. In order to protect your organization against it, you must implement security policies that describe your data taxonomy as well as the security controls for each category of data. From there, you can uncover and classify data flows across your products, audit security controls, identify gaps with your security policy, and remediate issues.

3 Critical Lessons & Takeaways from the Okta Data Breach

Last month’s revelation that Okta had been hacked created a seismic impact in the world of security, with organizations still bracing themselves for the fallout from this incident. While resources, like Microsoft’s article on Lapsus$ (tracked as DEV-0537), have broadly dissected the attack vectors used in the group’s attacks, we wanted to expand on the broader trends and context surrounding the Okta hack.