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August 2020

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Data Protection Vs. Cyber Security: Why You Need Both

In recent years, both large and small organizations have been affected by data breaches. Business owners, C-suite executives, and CIOs face the reality that they can be a target of security breaches at any time. These incidents can jeopardize your organization's credibility besides leading to financial and productivity losses.

Leaky O365 Links: Accidental Exposure in O365 Link Sharing

Did you know that the default “copy link” option in O365 personal accounts generates a public shared link with edit permissions? In this edition, we will cover how link sharing in O365 can lead to the accidental internal and public exposure of sensitive data.

Is Your Business Data Safe from the Dark Web?

You may never venture to the dark web, but many bad actors are active on the dark web and they may have access to your corporate data. Sensitive, proprietary business data could already be on there for sale to the highest bidder. That could lead to a security breach, fraud, damaged business reputation, or loss of competitive advantage. You won’t know until it’s too late! Download our ebook, “The Dark Side of the Internet.

New Agent Tesla Variants Capable of Stealing Data from VPNs, Browsers

Some new variants of the Agent Tesla infostealer family are capable of stealing data from multiple VPN clients and web browsers. SentinelOne observed that attackers continue to deploy Agent Tesla across various stages of their operations, as this malware enables criminals with even low levels of technical expertise to manipulate and manage their victims’ infected devices.

Facilitating Data Loss Prevention with Netwrix Solutions

Safeguarding business-critical and regulated data like customer records, financial information and intellectual property is critical to the success of the entire organization. However, your goal should not be to build a fortress. Rather accept that your network will inevitably be breached from the outside and attacked from within, so you should build a layered defense strategy that helps you both minimize your attack surface and spot suspicious behavior in time to respond effectively.