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July 2024

Why Fraud Teams Need Cryptocurrency Investigation Capabilities in 2024

Nowadays, cryptocurrency is a buzzword in society. It’s mostly seen as a high-risk investment or associated with fast profit-making schemes. Despite this, its adoption has surged in recent years, and according to, the number of cryptocurrency holders has now hit 580 million. Unfortunately, not all of them hold it for legitimate reasons. We are at a juncture where criminals have the knowledge, services, and tools to channel their illicit profits through cryptocurrencies.

The Kubernetes gap in CNAPP - exploring why many CNAPPs have a Kubernetes gap

A guest post by James Berthoty, founder of Latio. CSPMs and CNAPP have a major gap, and unfortunately, it drives the majority of your cloud that actually matters (Kubernetes). To be frank, most CNAPPs were created around two things: Even the early players in the space who recognized the value of containerization found themselves too ahead of the market to support the giant funding opportunities present from their competition, who were focused on easily scanning every cloud workload that could exist.

Application Layer DDoS Attack - What it is, Types & Mitigation

An application layer DDoS attack, also known as a Layer 7 (L7) DDoS attack, targets the application layer of the OSI model. This type of DDoS attack focuses on disrupting specific functions or features of a website or online service. Layer 7 attacks leverage loopholes, vulnerabilities, or business logic flaws in the application layer to orchestrate the attacks. Here are the key characteristics and methods: Examples of L7 attacks are Slowloris, GET/POST Floods, etc.

CVE-2024-6387 - Shields Up Against RegreSSHion

On July 1st, the Qualys’s security team announced CVE-2024-6387, a remotely exploitable vulnerability in the OpenSSH server. This critical vulnerability is nicknamed “regreSSHion” because the root cause is an accidental removal of code that fixed a much earlier vulnerability CVE-2006-5051 back in 2006. The race condition affects the default configuration of sshd (the daemon program for SSH).

The 6 Best Secure Cloud Storage Services in 2024

Data breaches, leaks, hacks, and compromised passwords pose a real threat to our data. If you don’t take action to protect your sensitive data, you are leaving your information exposed to hackers who could: Although many data breaches occur due to factors outside your control, it’s still important to protect your data to avoid it falling into the wrong hands. The best way to do this is by choosing from the numerous secure cloud storage services in 2024.