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Vulnerability Management Is Broken. Here's How to Fix it

For many organizations, the process of managing software vulnerabilities is not working, and it’s failing to enable security teams to address the software flaws that can lead to major security attacks. A new study by independent research and education firm Ponemon Institute, based on a survey of 634 IT and security leaders, found that organizations are losing thousands of hours in time and productivity as they deal with a huge backlog of vulnerabilities.

ProxyShell or ProxyNotShell? Let's Set The Record Straight

Before diving into ProxyNotShell, we will start by giving some context regarding the original ProxyShell vulnerabilities. On BlackHat USA 2021, Orange Tsai (a 0-day researcher focusing on web/application security) revealed the three CVEs affecting Microsoft Exchange that chained together can result in arbitrary code execution on the server. They dubbed these vulnerabilities ProxyShell.

How to use Java DTOs to stay secure

Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) in Java are objects that transport data between subsystems. It is an enterprise design pattern to aggregate data. The main purpose is to reduce the number of system calls needed between the subsystems, reducing the amount of overhead created. In this article, I will explain how DTOs are used in modern Java applications, ways your application can benefit, and how Java DTOs can help you be more secure by preventing accidental data leaks.

DirtyCred: Opening Pandora's Box to Current and Future Container Escapes

DirtyCred is a new Linux kernel exploitation technique that allows kernel Use After Free (UAF) or Double free vulnerabilities to swap a credential or file structure on the kernel heap memory to escalate privileges to root. The replaced credential or file structure provides root access on a Linux host and breaks out of the container at the same time. Ph.D.

Security lessons with a Snyk Ambassador

Security has been a concern in the tech industry for years now. However, not a lot of companies follow their own protocols or guides when it comes to securing code. It’s easy to believe that security incidents are uncommon (or unlikely to happen in your own organization), but the latest issue with Uber is one of many examples to the contrary.

CVE-2022-40684: Critical Remote Authentication Bypass Vulnerability in FortiOS & FortiProxy

Late Thursday, October 6, 2022, Fortinet disclosed a critical remote authentication bypass vulnerability —CVE-2022-40684— impacting FortiOS and FortiProxy. The vulnerability could allow a remote unauthenticated threat actor to obtain access to the administrative interface and perform operations via specially crafted HTTP or HTTPS requests.

Cloud security fundamentals part 1: Know your environment

140,000 Social Security numbers and about 80,000 bank account numbers — that’s what one attacker stole from a major financial institution back in 2019. How did it happen? The attacker used firewall credentials to obtain privilege escalation and hack into improperly secured Amazon cloud instances.

2022 Collaboration Partner of the Year: Snyk

This week, at HashiConf 2022, Snyk was recognized by HashiCorp as the winner of the 2022 Collaboration Technology Partner of the Year award. Carey Stanton, Snyk’s Senior Vice President of Business Development, was in Los Angeles and accepted the award on stage at HashiConf. Snyk is honored to be named HashiCorp’s 2022 Technology Partner of the Year for Collaboration.