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TDK Electronics Goes from Complexity to Confidence with CrowdStrike

TDK Electronics is a German manufacturer of electronic components, modules and systems. With more than 23,000 employees spread across 20 development and production sites worldwide, TDK serves a range of industries, including automotive, industrial and consumer electronics, IT and telecommunications.

How To Spot Fake Ads on Facebook

You can spot fake ads on Facebook if you notice that the ads feature very inexpensive products, poor-quality images, spelling mistakes or a lack of clear branding. Fake Facebook ads aim to trick you into sharing your personal information or paying for items that don’t exist. Continue reading to learn some of the most common signs of fake Facebook ads, how to avoid falling for these fake ads and what to do if you have already been scammed by them.

How To Prevent Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

You can prevent Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks in your organization by investing in a password manager, using a VPN, monitoring your network and training employees on security best practices. MITM attacks occur when a cybercriminal intercepts private data sent between two businesses or individuals to steal or alter the data with malicious intent.

Sensitive Data Discovery Tools: Best Practices for GDPR, PII, and PCI Compliance

For most companies today, the question isn’t whether a data breach will occur, but rather when it will occur. This predicament is primarily due to the sheer volume of data, the challenges associated with monitoring sensitive data, and the transition to remote work. Consequently, IT security teams are constantly navigating a dynamic and enduring risk landscape, making it exceptionally challenging to maintain data security and implement effective sensitive data protection strategies.

Risks and Mitigation of Unpatched Softwares | SafeAeon Inc

In today's digital world, where everything is connected, software vulnerabilities are a constant threat to businesses of all kinds. Malicious people who want to steal private data, mess up operations, or cause financial harm can easily get into software that hasn't been updated and is full of security holes. If you don't update your software, terrible things can happen, like data breaches, ransomware attacks, system failures, and damage to your image.

Navigating Mental Health, Narcissism & Burnout in Cybersecurity

The cybersecurity industry is known for its cutting edge technology and constant evolution, but beneath the surface of firewalls and threat detection lies a aspect that’s discussed less regularly: the mental health and wellbeing of its professionals. As cyber threats grow more sophisticated, so too does the pressure on those tasked with defending against them.

Top 9 Log Analysis Tools

Logs tell the hidden story of your IT infrastructure – what’s working, what’s breaking, and what could be under attack. You’re left sifting through a chaotic stream of events, risking missed insights crucial for maintaining security and operational stability. And the stakes couldn’t be higher. The average global data breach cost hit $4.24 million, with U.S. companies facing an even steeper $9.48 million per incident.

Are Your Containers Secure? Answer These 5 Questions and Find Out

Container security involves protecting containerized environments and the applications they run. As containers package applications and their dependencies, they offer consistency across different environments. However, this also raises security concerns, such as ensuring the integrity of container images, securing the runtime environment, and managing vulnerabilities in container engines and orchestrators.

Justifying Compliance Tools Before a Breach Occurs

Breaches, be they accidental, careless, or malicious, are an inevitability for most companies. Depending on the industry, the consequences could range from something as minor as a little public embarrassment to hefty fines, lawsuits, expensive remediation actions, and loss of customer confidence (and, with that - business). The question is, how can compliance use this to its advantage and get a share of the security budget before something happens?

SASE: The Journey from Revolution to Evolution

I’ve always been captivated by technological revolutions. There’s something exhilarating about witnessing a paradigm shift, a moment when the world is fundamentally altered by innovation. I remember the first time I held an iPhone, realizing that it wasn’t just another phone—it was a device that would redefine communication, connectivity, and even society itself. Similarly, when I first encountered LLMs like ChatGPT, I felt that same spark.