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How to

10 API Security Tips you must know

Cloud services have made the world a highly interconnected ecosystem. Enterprises leverage services (virtual and physical) provided by other enterprises rather than build them from scratch, creating a web of connected devices, applications, and users. An API is one such service. About Indusface: Indusface is a SaaS company that secures critical Web applications of 5000+ global customers using its award-winning platform that integrates Web application scanner, Web application firewall, CDN, and threat information engine.

AlgoSec for IaC: How to identify risks from your pull requests

This video demonstrates how the AlgoSec platform integrates into your DevOps workflow early in the game, automatically identifying connectivity risks and providing ways to remediate them. You never have to leave where you're working to write better code. IaC Connectivity Risk Analysis enables immediate feedback right where you're working in the pull request by providing risk check results as comments.

Install the Veracode IntelliJ Plugin

In this video, you will learn how to install the Veracode IntelliJ Plugin, generate API ID and key credentials in the Veracode platform, and store those credentials in IntelliJ. The Veracode IntelliJ Plugin enables you to upload binaries to the Veracode Platform for static security analysis. You can then review the scan results from within IntelliJ IDEA to identify and mitigate potential security findings in your applications.