Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

Outpost 24

Joint PCI security and CSA guidance on scoping cloud environments

As organizations move their infrastructure to the cloud, payment data are being exposed unknowingly leading to high profile data breaches. Find out how the new guidance from PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) and Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) can help protect your cardholder data in the cloud.

Mapping the Attack Surface for Insurance Applications

As insurance organizations look to attract and engage customers, the growing use of web applications has increased their cyber exposure and the risks of cyberattacks. In this benchmark study, we analyzed the attack surface of the top 10 insurers in Europe to highlight the common attack vectors and security weaknesses that could be exploited – from page creation method to vulnerable components – and our top tips for reducing web application security risks.

Outpost24 and Secure Code Warrior integration

Added links in Outpost24 Scale DAST tool to Secure Code Warrior for findings with a CWE. Where an Appsec finding is linked to a CWE we have introduced direct links to Secure Code Warrior eLearning training platform. This gives users the ability to understand what the vulnerability is and more importantly how to address these findings within their development process. Customers do not have to be customers of Secure Code Warrior (SCW) to enjoy the learning modules presented, though customers who are SCW customers may get further insights as well as tracking scores and other metrics.

Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) within LEXIS

To ensure Outpost24 stays at the forefront of cybersecurity technology we conduct regular research into new innovations, and LEXIS High Performance Computing (HPC) is one of them. Outpost24 was instrumental in contributing and providing the “Security-By-Design” and “Zero-Trust” principles to creating the secure LEXIS Cloud-HPC-Big Data platform, and in this blog we explore the zero-trust fundamentals for which the LEXIS portal has been designed.

Outpost24 - Full stack vulnerability management and security assessment

We don’t think it’s fair that businesses are targets of cybercriminals. That's why we’ve created the most complete security assessment platform to help our customers tighten their 'full stack' security exposure before their business can be disrupted.

What's new and changed in CIS CSC version 8 - IG1

On May 18th 2021, the Center for Internet Security (CIS) released version 8 of the Critical Security Controls (CSC) - a business and technology agnostic set of recommendations that all organizations should consider and follow to prevent the most prevalent and dangerous attacks. In this blog series we discuss the ins and outs of the new guidance to get you up to speed with v8.

What is API Security and how to protect them

APIs are a key part of modern web application development transforming how organizations build, manage, and scale their web and mobile services. In this blog we discuss why APIs are the new web application security, highlighting the growing challenges of API security risks and sharing best practices for preventing API attacks.