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Outpost 24

What our attack surface study says about top retail applications

Retail and ecommerce web applications are big targets for hackers. Attack surface assessment is important to help build a complete risk profile of web applications and combat opportunistic hackers looking for vulnerabilities to exploit. Here’s how the biggest online retailers fare against the most common application attack vectors

Multiple vulnerabilities discovered in Pyrescom Termod4 smart device

The Internet of things, cyber-physical systems, smart offices, smart homes. We are getting accustomed to these ‘smart’ concepts; lights turn off automatically when you leave home. Your car drives you, instead of the other way around and you quickly scan your access badge to check-in at work. All the little conveniences that make our lives easier, our work more enjoyable and ever so slightly improves our lives… Until they bite you in the behind.

Web Application Security Testing Tools - SWAT Findings

The Secure Web Application Tactics (SWAT) by Outpost24 offers customers a combination of state-of-the-art scanning tools and security experts to provide the most accurate and reliable web application scanning solution available in the market. SWAT does not interfere with daily operations and delivers results with zero false-positives.

Web Application Security Testing Tools - SWAT Reporting

The Secure Web Application Tactics (SWAT) by Outpost24 offers customers a combination of state-of-the-art scanning tools and security experts to provide the most accurate and reliable web application scanning solution available in the market. SWAT does not interfere with daily operations and delivers results with zero false-positives.

Fix now: Vulnerabilities targeting the FireEye Breach

On Tuesday 8th December in an unprecedented move leading cybersecurity provider FireEye admitted they had been breached and several of their red team tools and scripts had been stolen. In this blog we look at the list of vulnerabilities in these tools and how to protect your organization.