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Disaster Recovery Plan Checklist: Building an Effective Strategy for 2024

Businesses around the world face unexpected disruptions ranging from cyberattacks to natural disasters. Data breaches have also become a pressing concern for companies worldwide, with the average cost of a breach reaching an all-time high of USD 4.45 million in 2023. Such events can cause catastrophic data loss and operational downtime. This is where a robust disaster recovery plan becomes more than a safety net, it’s a crucial element of business resilience.

How To Create a New Branch In GitHub?

Managing different features and fixes without tangling the core code is crucial. This is where the understanding of branching in GitHub enters the chat. Think of a branch in GitHub as a parallel universe for your project, where you can experiment, develop, and refine new features or fixes, all without impacting the main codebase. It’s a fundamental practice that not only keeps your project organized but also creates a flexible and collaborative development environment.

GitHub Backup Essentials: Download a Single File from GitHub

When it comes to data management in software development you, as a developer, should know how to efficiently download a single GitHub file. Often, devs and project managers need to download individual files for local testing, archival purposes, version comparison, or any other reason you can make up. It can seem daunting. In this article, we will guide you through various methods to download a single file from the GitHub repository, whether it’s public or private repository.

How To Transform From Dev To DevOps - A Complete Guide

The skill gap is still a thing. Even though big players are making news headlines with ongoing global-scale layoffs – according to the 2023’ Upskilling IT Report almost 1/3 of IT organizations describe the lack of skilled resources as the biggest challenge for the IT leaders. In many cases, the post-pandemic layoffs are the result of excessive hiring during the covid-time.