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Node.js vs. Deno vs. Bun: JavaScript runtime comparison

JavaScript runtimes help you build advanced, server-driven JavaScript projects that aren't dependent on the user's browser to run. There are several choices of runtimes available, with the supremacy of the old stalwart Node.js being challenged by Deno and Bun. Deno is the latest project produced by the same developer who originally created Node.js, Ryan Dahl, back in 2009.

How to implement SSL/TLS pinning in Node.js

With threat actors performing man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, having an SSL/TLS certificate is no longer a valid reason to trust an incoming connection. Consequently, developers are increasingly adopting SSL/TLS pinning, also known as certificate or public key pinning, as an additional measure to prove the authenticity and integrity of a connection.

How to generate an SBOM for JavaScript and Node.js applications

SBOM is the acronym for Software Bill of Materials, which is a list of all the open source npm packages that are part of your project. But it’s not only limited to open source or software packages, and can include operating system libraries, microservices inventory and more.

Preventing insecure deserialization in Node.js

Serialization is the process of converting a JavaScript object into a stream of sequential bytes to send over a network or save to a database. Serialization changes the original data format while preserving its state and properties, so we can recreate it as needed. With serialization, we can write complex data to files, databases, and inter-process memory — and send that complex data between components and over networks.

Avoiding mass assignment vulnerabilities in Node.js

Mass assignment is a vulnerability that allows attackers to exploit predictable record patterns and invoke illegal actions. Mass assignment usually occurs when properties are not filtered when binding client-provided data-to-data models. Vulnerabilities of this type allow an attacker to create additional objects in POST request payloads, allowing them to modify properties that should be immutable.

Comparing Node.js web frameworks: Which is most secure?

JavaScript is the world’s most popular programming language, providing many web frameworks that help developers build secure, reliable Node.js web applications. Each framework has unique features, and which framework is right for you depends on your preference and the type of application you intend to create. With so many frameworks available, you need a way to assess their security.

The security concerns of a JavaScript sandbox with the Node.js VM module

Were you tasked with building a product that requires the execution of dynamic JavaScript originating from end users? You might think building it on-top of Node.js VM module is a viable way to create a JavaScript sandbox. In this article, we’ll learn why that’s far from being a recommended approach and the security implications of doing so. Every now and then there’s a project that challenges the rudimentary and routine backend development. APIs? Message queues?