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Large-scale npm attack targets Azure developers with malicious packages

The JFrog Security research team continuously monitors popular open source software (OSS) repositories with our automated tooling to avert potential software supply chain security threats, and reports any vulnerabilities or malicious packages discovered to repository maintainers and the wider community. Two days ago, several of our automated analyzers started alerting on a set of packages in the npm Registry.

node-ipc sabotages JavaScript developers

On March 15, in an apparent act of protest against the Ukraine crisis, a supply chain attack was created which affects users of the popular JavaScript front-end development framework Vue.js and the Unity Hub. The attack creates a file with an antiwar message and introduces security vulnerabilities, with an earlier version corrupting user files on machines with Russian and Belorussian geolocations, replacing characters with heart emoji.

Alert: peacenotwar module sabotages npm developers in the node-ipc package to protest the invasion of Ukraine

On March 15, 2022, users of the popular Vue.js frontend JavaScript framework started experiencing what can only be described as a supply chain attack impacting the npm ecosystem. This was the result of the nested dependencies node-ipc and peacenotwar being sabotaged as an act of protest by the maintainer of the node-ipc package.

Visibly invisible malicious Node.js packages: When configuration niche meets invisible characters

We’ve seen a massive increase in the number of open source packages created and used in the wild during the past few years. These days every ecosystem has its package manager, and almost every package manager has its hidden gems and configurations. That said, as developers continuously install an ever-expanding number of packages, attackers gain interest in the packages’ attack surfaces. Then, the journey to craft the perfectly hidden malicious package begins.

Malware Civil War - Malicious npm Packages Targeting Malware Authors

The JFrog Security research team continuously monitors popular open source software (OSS) repositories with our automated tooling to avert potential software supply chain security threats, and reports any vulnerabilities or malicious packages discovered to repository maintainers and the wider community. Most recently we disclosed 25 malicious packages in the npm repository that were picked up by our automated scanning tools.

Five Critically Important Facts About npm Package Security

In 2021, the WhiteSource Diffend automated malware detection platform detected and reported more than 1,200 malicious npm packages that were responsible for stealing credentials and crypto, as well as for running botnets and collecting host information from machines on which they were installed.

Mind Your Dependencies: Defending against malicious npm packages

Modern software projects are mostly composed of open source code. The question of who really controls this code, and is responsible for detecting and fixing software supply chain security issues, became a significant source of concern after the discovery of the Log4Shell vulnerability.

What You Should Know About npm Packages 'colors' and 'faker'

On January 8, 2022, the open source maintainer of the wildly popular npm package colors, published colors@1.4.1 and colors@1.4.44-liberty-2 in which they intentionally introduced an offending commit that adds an infinite loop to the source code. The infinite loop is triggered and executed immediately upon initialization of the package’s source code, and would result in a Denial of Service (DoS) to any Node.js server using it.

Open source maintainer pulls the plug on npm packages colors and faker, now what?

On January 8, 2022, the open source maintainer of the wildly popular npm package colors, published colors@1.4.1 and colors@1.4.44-liberty-2 in which they intentionally introduced an offending commit that adds an infinite loop to the source code. The infinite loop is triggered and executed immediately upon initialization of the package’s source code, and would result in a Denial of Service (DoS) to any Node.js server using it.

Plugins to put Node.js application security and observability in your IDE

As developers, we spend a lot of time in our IDEs writing new code, refactoring code, adding tests, fixing bugs and more. And in recent years, IDEs have become powerful tools, helping us developers with anything from interacting with HTTP requests to generally boosting our productivity. So you have to ask — what if we could also prevent security issues in our code before we ship it?