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Active Directory

Windows NT Lan Manager Hardening Best Practices

Windows New Technology LAN Manager (NTLM) is an outdated challenge-response authentication protocol developed by Microsoft. Despite being surpassed by Kerberos, NTLM remains in use as a form of Single Sign-On (SSO), allowing users to authenticate to applications without directly providing their passwords.

Active Directory Domain Consolidation

Active Directory domain consolidation is the process of restructuring an organization’s Active Directory setup to reduce the number of domains. Consolidation is often performed as part of a company reorganization, merger or acquisition, but it is also used to simplify an AD infrastructure that has become unwieldy over time.

Active Directory Group Name Examples & Best Practices

Naming conventions for Active Directory and Azure AD groups can be confusing. This video explains how to create clear and consistent group names using prefixes, descriptions, and approval workflows. By following these best practices, you can make it easier for users to understand the purpose of each group and avoid confusion. Integrate #NetwrixGroupID with your #ActiveDirectory or #AzureAD to appropriately identify all your directory groups. You can define policies for adding prefixes to group names, standardize them and build a template as well.

Why Nested Groups Don't Exist in the Cloud

Every Active Directory (AD) admin is familiar with nested groups. Rights are assigned to objects by virtue of their location in the tree; that’s just how things work. It’s convenient and makes entitlement management easier… until you consider its lack of maturity for identity governance. What once worked well now increases security risks and management overhead. Cloud directories have the benefit of shedding that type of technical debt.

Is it possible to shift on-premises Active Directory to the cloud with AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory?

I’ve seen this question bouncing about in different forums for quite some time now. I haven’t seen any definitive answers because it always depends on the organization’s use of AD. Recently, I noticed something called AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory. I must admit, six months ago I was not aware of AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory, but when I started looking into this cloud-based AD solution, some connections started coming together.

Managing Active Directory VPN via Security Groups

Virtual private network (VPN) is extremely valuable technology, especially for organizations with a remote or hybrid workforce. VPN provides users with a secure and encrypted connection so they can access the corporate network over the internet — while keeping your confidential data and sensitive systems safe from prying eyes. VPN can also hide your IP address so that you can visit websites that are not normally accessible from your location.

Redefining AD risk assessment with ADManager Plus

Today, the process of digitization has become synonymous with progress and innovation. As organizations embrace digital transformation post-pandemic, the importance of securing your digital assets cannot be overstated. It is crucial to keep up with the cyber risks and protect your organization. The core of your operations lies within your Active Directory (AD), as it manages user identities, permissions, and access controls. At ManageEngine, we understand the importance of securing your AD environment.