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What is a DNS firewall? Optimize the security of your network infrastructure using DDI Central's DNS firewall

Cyberthreats in today’s digital age are becoming complex and relentless, highlighting the importance of robust cybersecurity measures. Among these measures, DNS firewalls stand out as essential components of a comprehensive security strategy. By intercepting and analyzing DNS traffic, these firewalls provide a unique vantage point for identifying and neutralizing threats before they can infiltrate the network.

Advanced DNS Protection: mitigating sophisticated DNS DDoS attacks

We're proud to introduce the Advanced DNS Protection system, a robust defense mechanism designed to protect against the most sophisticated DNS-based DDoS attacks. This system is engineered to provide top-tier security, ensuring your digital infrastructure remains resilient in the face of evolving threats. Our existing systems have been successfully detecting and mitigating ‘simpler’ DDoS attacks against DNS, but they’ve struggled with the more complex ones.

New Research: Spike In DNS Queries Driving Phishing and Cyber Attacks

New analysis of DNS queries shows material growth in phishing, malware and botnets and offers insight into how many threats the average person experiences. Most of the reports I cover use detection on an endpoint, a security solution, or the corporate network for their analysis, but the 2024 Annual Security Report from DNSFilter feels a bit more impartial because it uses DNS queries to determine whether whether malicious activity is occuring.

Challenges and Recommended Best Practices to Secure DNS Infrastructure

Domain Name System (DNS), often referred to as the "phonebook of the internet," is an important protocol for the overall functioning of the internet, translating domain names into IP addresses and vice-versa. DNS, though, is an inherently insecure protocol and is vulnerable to a variety of cyberattacks that can disrupt network and service availability and violate confidentiality of users and their data. This poses a challenge for the teams responsible for ensuring uninterrupted DNS service and maintaining user privacy.

Troubleshooting DNS issues in Kubernetes: Investigate and reduce NXDOMAIN (domain does not exist) responses

NXDOMAIN, indicating the non-existence of a queried domain, poses significant challenges within Kubernetes, impacting application functionality, service communication, and overall cluster stability. Investigating NXDOMAIN responses in Kubernetes is vital for sustaining the reliability, performance, and security in a containerized environment.

Cracking the Code: How to Identify Devices via MAC Addresses Online

Did you know that each device on a network has a unique MAC address? This ID allows us to identify devices quickly in the digital world. MAC addresses help us keep networks safe, manage devices efficiently and address issues as quickly as possible.

Understanding DNS-Based Threats and How They Impact Your Business

Cybersecurity, DNS (Domain Name System), and your company are interconnected topics in the field of network security. Protecting a company’s cybersecurity, including its DNS infrastructure, is of utmost importance in today’s digital landscape. DNS is responsible for translating user-friendly domain names into machine-readable IP addresses, allowing devices to communicate with each other over the internet.

How Egnyte Migrated Its DNS At Scale With No Service Disruptions

Egnyte, as a custodian of vast volumes of customer data and files, manages billions of files and petabytes of data originating from millions of users. With a system processing over a million API requests per minute, spanning metadata operations and analytical queries, the need to balance throughput and maintain exceptional service quality is paramount.

How to Find Out Hosting of Website?

The hosting provider is an important piece of a website's backend infrastructure. But if you come across a website, how can you find out which company or service hosts it? This article will outline several methods to identify the hosting provider behind any website, including the use of online tools, DNS record analysis, source code inspection, and contacting the website owner.