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A Non-Partisan Threat: Cybersecurity and its Impact on Democracy

As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Lookout held a special briefing sponsored by Rep. Ted Lieu and Rep. Jim Longevin, that focused on how cybersecurity attacks can impact the entire democratic process -- from political campaigns and elections to journalists, lobbyists and activists that participate in the process. The session included a live demo of how a cyberattack could happen on a mobile device.

Election Interference Attacks More than Voting Machines

When election interference is discussed, you probably think of “fake news” social media plots or hacked voting machines that manipulated outcomes. The truth is much more complicated. Election interference can come in many forms and have consequences that last long after an election cycle. Fortunately there are security measures elected officials, campaigns, and anyone with access to voter information can – and should – take to defend against election interference.

VLAN Hopping and Mitigation

A VLAN is used to share the physical network while creating virtual segmentations to divide specific groups. For example, a host on VLAN 1 is separated from any host on VLAN 2. Any packets sent between VLANs must go through a router or other layer 3 devices. Security is one of the many reasons network administrators configure VLANs. However, with an exploit known as 'VLAN Hopping', an attacker is able to bypass these security implementations.

How Trade Secrets Can Be Abused By An Attacker After A Data Breach

Even as public awareness of data breaches grows, the popular conception of what information is sensitive, and how sensitive it is, lags behind the threats that individuals, businesses, and governments face today. The classic model for a data breach is individuals’ login credentials for banking or private identity information like their social security numbers, but there is equal– and in many cases far greater– value in information with less obvious potential for abuse.

Threat Actors in Critical Infrastructure: New Trends and Risk Factors

In this on-demand webcast, guest presenter Mike Chaney, who supports the DHS, National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), and David Meltzer, Tripwire CTO, will share best practices to reduce the likelihood and severity of incidents that may significantly compromise the security and resilience of the critical infrastructure.

Defend Your Data Now with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework

MITRE is a not-for-profit organization that operates federally-funded research and development centers. Their ATT&CK framework is a useful cybersecurity model illustrating how adversaries behave and explaining the tactics you should use to mitigate risk and improve security. ATT&CK stands for “adversarial tactics, techniques and common knowledge.”

Can Technology Keep Up With Cyber Threats?

At RSA 2018, TEISS spoke with Russell Spitler, Senior Vice President of Product at AlienVault, about whether technology can keep up with the relentless pace of cyber attacks. Russ offers insight into some of the key challenges faced by security industry professionals before demonstrating the capabilities of AlienVault's new, free threat hunting service that allows people to determine if their endpoints are infected with malware, ransomware, or other cyber threats.