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OWASP ASVS with your security testing tools

OWASP ASVS is a great project to provide a framework of security controls for design and define the basis of secure development. But the problem is when you decide to use these checks in your organization, you end up with a 71-page pdf file or an OWASP ASVS checklist (excel sheet). It is incredibly hard for organizations to adapt and spread the word within the company. This is why we decided to implement a feature that gets all the security testing tools results (by CWE) and maps them into OWASP ASVS automatically so you can use it in every aspect of your application security program.

Combine Tines and OctoPerf to test your website's performance capability and automate custom load balancing tests

Tines has the superpower of protecting businesses in the security space through mission-critical automation workflows, but that does not mean our capabilities are restricted to that. In this blog, we’ll delve into how Tines can be implemented in other areas of the business to help your company streamline manual and time-consuming tasks.

Top 9 Integration Testing Tools in 2023

Integration is an indispensable aspect of modern software development. As software applications become more complex and interconnected, every component must work seamlessly together like a game of Tetris. This is where integration testing comes into play, allowing developers to test whether different parts of an application play nicely together. This article will discuss what integration testing tools are, the types, benefits, and key features to look for when choosing one.

Why Fuzzing Isn't Enough to Test Your APIs

In today’s fast-paced development environment, a comprehensive API security testing strategy is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Testing your APIs for security gaps ensures that your APIs function are reliable, secure, and perform as expected under different circumstances. It helps to identify issues such as incorrect data formats, missing or inaccurate data, and faults in authentication or authorization.

What are Cloud Testing Tools?

Cloud testing tools are a set of software and hardware components that allow developers, testers, and IT professionals to test applications in the cloud. These tools give companies access to an array of cloud resources they can use for testing purposes. The cloud can provide a more cost-effective, agile, and scalable platform for testing applications compared to traditional on-premise systems.

Cloud Testing Challenges

Cloud testing is the process of validating applications, services, and databases that are hosted on cloud platforms. It involves verifying configurations, scalability, workloads, security controls, etc., to ensure that they perform as expected under different conditions. Cloud testing also provides a platform for performance testing and load testing before and during production in order to monitor any changes made to the system.

How we battle test Bearer CLI

Applications are usually considered battle tested if they've been around a while and work as expected in most known situations. In software, we want the binary releases we make to have this level of confidence. The problem is, when you’re building something new how can you make up for the time and active user advantage of established software? In this article we’ll look at the early stage of our battle-testing process and how it influenced our future testing.

API Security Testing: Importance, Methods, and Top Tools for Testing APIs

APIs play a significant role in seamlessly integrating applications and services. However, APIs with security vulnerabilities could open doors to cyber attackers and compromise sensitive and confidential data and systems. Therefore, it is imperative to incorporate API security testing into the API development process as early as possible.