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Five Client-Side Web App Risks Banking & Investment Should Know

Can you name the top cybersecurity risks for banking and investment? Most would probably list cyber attacks like phishing, credential theft, DDoS, and maybe ransomware. But would it surprise you to learn that there is something on the list that many in the banking and investment industry forget–and that’s client-side cybersecurity threats. You know the kind…the ones related to jQuery, cross-site scripting (XSS), JavaScript injections, formjacking, etc.

7 cybersecurity challenges the finance sector faces (and how to avoid them)

The financial sector continues to be victimized by cyberattacks, making it the third-most targeted sector after healthcare and manufacturing. The finance sector alone reported 2,527 incidents, 690 of which ended up in disclosure of data. In the always vulnerable finance industry, it's critical for organizations to employ an endpoint management system in addition to an antivirus solution in order to shield themselves. Employing an endpoint management system that has built-in antivirus capabilities is an added advantage.

A Swift Kick in the Nuts and Bolts of Banking

The global financial services industry is undergoing a seismic shift and not enough people are truly aware of what this means. By November of this year, banks and other financial institutions must have in place a new process for payment systems that uses the ISO 20022 standard instead of SWIFT. This must be active by November and by 2025, all financial institutions will have to be compliant.

4 ways financial services leaders can stay ahead of the cybersecurity risk curve

As financial institutions migrate to modern infrastructure and cloud services, bad actors have extended their skills and capabilities to achieve their missions. This is compounded by the fact that financial and payment vehicles continue to go virtual. Even the slightest breach can result in fines and reputational harm. Many financial institutions are successfully taking a risk-based approach to cybersecurity, according to our recent co-sponsored study with ThoughtLab.

The Financial Industry's Biggest Threat

Losing money to cybercriminals is the financial industry's biggest threat today. Billions of dollars have been lost in 2022 alone due to cyber security incidents. This money is unrecoverable and can be blamed on one thing - poor cybersecurity practices. The money goes straight to the pockets of hackers so they can build bigger and better ways to hack and steal our money.

Telcos: Effective Financial solutions for AML Challenges

Globally, the telecom service providers are under massive pressure to add new revenue streams because of the commoditization of voice and data services and dropping margins. In this regard, several service providers have started offering financial services to leverage their distributor network and existing relationship with the subscribers.

Best Practices of Cybersecurity in Fintech

Fintech, short for ‘financial technology, is the application of new technological advancements to products and services in the financial industry. The Fintech industry is rapidly evolving, driven in part by the adoption of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain-powered assets. Currently, the Fintech market is projected to reach $190 billion by 2026, growing annually by 13.7%.

Endpoint management: A must-have for the financial sector

It’s almost that time of the year to file taxes in Portugal, so John opens the email he received asking him to submit his taxes. It’s from a bank he trusts, so he follows the instructions in the email and proceeds to download the attached PDF. Little did he know that when he clicked the links in the email body, the Lampion trojan was downloaded from an online server.

Best Practices and Pitfalls for Using Open Source Components in Fintech

Financial technology companies are at the forefront of banking evolution, driving innovation and fighting to stay ahead of both the large bank behemoths and the next wave of fintech companies coming along behind them. In this webinar, Peak6 Director of Open Source, and Snyk Field CTO and Field CISO, discuss best practices for secure development in highly regulated Fintech companies.

Top 7 BFSI Cybersecurity Trends for 2022 that you Need to Know

BFSI (Banking, Financial Service and Insurance) organizations have remained a primary target of cybercriminals over the last several years. Given the amount of sensitive data that the BFSI sector has to deal with, they become an obvious goldmine for hackers and that is why they have to prioritise cybersecurity above all else. As a matter of fact, more than 70% of fintech companies cited information security as their top concern in the Sixth Annual Bank Survey.