Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Reliability and security best practices for financial services in ANZ

Every year, Australians lose over $6 billion due to financial fraud and cybercrime , so it is great to see the collaboration between banks in Australia to fight fraudsters head-on with the help of the Fraud Reporting Exchange (FRX ). The FRX is a trusted, secure, single platform providing timely and efficient means of reporting and actioning fraudulent (including scam) activities between banks.

Microsoft warns accounting firms of targeted attacks as Tax Day approaches

Accountants are being warned to be on their guard from malicious hackers, as cybercriminals exploit the rush to prepare tax returns for clients before the deadline of US Tax Day. US Tax Day, which falls on Tuesday April 18 this year, is the day on which income tax returns for individuals are due to be submitted to the government. Inevitably it's a busy time for accounting firms and bookkeepers who are feverishly collecting necessary documents from their clients.

Top 10 Cybersecurity Frameworks for the Financial Industry

A healthy financial sector is essential for economic stability and security. Cybersecurity frameworks can help financial organizations meet the requirements of financial regulations and ensure that the financial system operates safely and securely while protecting the rights and privacy of consumers.

Understanding OCR in Banking: Definition and Applications

OCR is the process of using technology to read characters from printed or handwritten text included inside digital images of actual documents, such scanned paper documents (optical character recognition). OCR’s primary function is to read a document’s text and convert the characters into code that may be used for data processing. Another name for optical character recognition is text recognition (OCR).