Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Episode 3:Weaving privilege elevation controls into your access management routines

In the third episode, we will delve deep into implementing the basics of privilege elevation and delegation management (PEDM) to enforce time-limited, requirement-based access to mission-critical resources. Join us to learn more about how you can grant access permissions to your users on an all-or-nothing basis and make the most of our PAM solution to handle real-time PEDM challenges.

Ask Sage's Nicolas Chaillan on moving the DOD to zero trust and deploying Kubernetes in space

In this week’s episode of The Future of Security Operations podcast, I'm joined by Nicolas Chaillan. Nicolas is a security leader who has held several high-profile roles in US federal agencies including Chief Software Officer for the US Air Force and Space Force, Special Advisor for Cloud Security and DevSecOps at the Department of Defense (DOD), and Special Advisor for Cybersecurity and Chief Architect for at the Department of Homeland Security.

USPS Surges to Take Top Spot as Most Impersonated Brand in Phishing Attacks

New data shows phishing attacks are deviating from the traditional focus on technology and retail sectors and are opting for alternate brands with widespread appeal. I’ve covered plenty of reports about brand impersonation and it’s almost always Microsoft on top of the list. And with good reason: access to a Microsoft 365 account can give attackers a foothold and potential access to data, applications and more.

Defense-in-Depth for Secrets Management: Discovery, Visibility, Leak Detection and AI

In the past, many security teams considered securing secrets enough – if your secrets were secured, you were good. While you’re still kind-of-good staying on this course, security professionals increasingly recognize that just securing secrets is not enough – organizations require a more sophisticated solution to help protect themselves in today’s increasingly sophisticated threat landscape.

Fines for HIPAA Non-Compliance

In today’s digital age, the exchange and storage of information has become very common in all sectors of the world, healthcare being no exception. But with this transmission and storage comes the dangers of security and unauthorized access. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted with stringent regulations to safeguard this data and its violations can be severe.