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Why the IDC MarketScape named Lookout a mobile threat management software leader three years in a row

The IDC MarketScape for Mobile Threat Management Software just named Lookout a leader for the third consecutive year. Everyone at Lookout works hard to make sure we provide the best mobile security for our customers, so it’s incredibly satisfying to have the MarketScape recognize our capabilities and strategies. We’re honored for the recognition of our capabilities for the third consecutive year.

Covid-19 Exposure Logging: Key Privacy Considerations

Recently, both Apple and Google released new updates for iPhone and Android devices. One feature that was added was “Covid-19 Exposure Logging.” The feature is off (for now), and according to the text that accompanies the app, when turned on, it is set to communicate via Bluetooth to other devices.

Work is no longer tethered to the office. Neither should security be.

The coronavirus pandemic forced the world’s workforce to retreat from their offices in a hurry. In that process, it proved something many of us already knew: employees can work productively without needing to be physically present or connected to the corporate network. Assisted by cloud-based productivity apps, tablets and smartphones have untethered us from the office space. At any time, I can pull out my phone and resume working via the cloud.

Remote workers making mobile management and security first priority

In recent years, many businesses had already begun planning for a gradual shift towards an increasingly remote workforce, yet fewer had implemented a mobile-first strategy, and some were still formulating strategies. At a gradual pace, IT administrators could handle a small percentage of remote workers and saw the management features of device enrollment programs and network security measures as enough to manage a few remote devices and cyber risks.

5G Technology: How to Make Sure the Benefits Outweigh the Security Risks

It’s hard not to say that 5G technology brings a lot of benefits. 5G entails faster download speeds, and yes, if you have a 5G-enabled handset, you could hear and appreciate the speed increases for videos, gaming, etc. However, 5G provides added benefits that go way above those for the everyday user. Let’s take a look at the high speed and low latency of 5G. There are a lot of areas or industries that require pinpoint accuracy and precision.

Working Anywhere With Egnyte: Mobile Guide

In recent weeks, companies and organizations that ordinarily operate in a more “traditional” office environment have had to pivot quickly to flexible and alternative working arrangements. At Egnyte, our goal has always been to help provide safe, secure access to your content no matter where you are, and that goal has become increasingly more important in the current climate.