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API Vulnerabilities in Q3: Key Product Categories at Risk #APISecurity #AIAPIs #CyberSecurity

Discover the most vulnerable product categories from Q3 and what they mean for API security: A rise in AI and machine learning API exploits, creating new challenges. Why enterprise hardware, DevOps tools, and legacy APIs like XML RPC remain primary targets. How categorizing vulnerabilities provides industry-specific guidance for better protection.

Application Security 101: A Guide for Developers

Most developers and companies believe their applications to be secure and understand the importance of security. However, year after year, they continue to push vulnerable code into production... In order to avoid these pitfalls and improve the overall security of our applications, we need to understand what application security (or AppSec) is all about. In this video, you will learn what application security is, why it's important and what you can do to keep your applications secure.