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Stages of Burnout in Cybersecurity: Recognising the Signs | Razorthorn Security

Unpack the stages of burnUnpack the stages of burnout in the demanding field of cybersecurity out in the demanding field of cybersecurity with this detailed analysis from the Razorwire Podcast. Explore how high energy and engagement initially characterize effective work, but can degrade into ineffectiveness, overextension, and ultimately, disengagement. This episode delves into the psychological progression of burnout, emphasizing the critical point where professionals feel they can no longer manage alone, highlighting the importance of seeking help.

The Hidden Psychological Toll of Cybersecurity Work | Razorthorn Security

Dive into the psychological demands of cybersecurity in this insightful episode of the Razorwire Podcast. Learn how the brain's natural defense mechanisms, such as the amygdala's response to perceived threats, contribute to high burnout rates among cybersecurity professionals. This discussion sheds light on the continuous state of vigilance required in cybersecurity roles and the challenges faced when seeking necessary resources from leadership. Discover why cybersecurity isn't just about technology but also involves battling the ingrained human responses to constant threats.

Webinar: Incorporating Digital Risk Exposure in Your Threat Detection Strategy

Watch as Kroll experts Wojcieszek and Scott Hanson outline the key benefits of incorporating surface, deep and dark web intelligence into your threat detection and response plans. During the session, they discuss the top use cases of digital risk protection and the best approaches to mapping out and reducing your digital risk across all areas of the internet. They also outline how security teams can use this external threat intelligence to improve their threat detection and response efforts and get wider visibility across the attack lifecycle.

Alarming Burnout Rates Among Cybersecurity Professionals

This episode of the Razorwire Podcast reveals startling statistics on burnout among cybersecurity professionals. Learn about the severe impact of stress in the cybersecurity field, with findings showing that 50 to 85% of professionals are experiencing burnout. The discussion also highlights a concerning forecast by Gartner, predicting that by 2025, a quarter of cybersecurity leaders will exit the profession due to overwhelming stress. Tune in to understand the depth of this issue and what it means for the future of cybersecurity.

Aligning Cyber Strategy with Business Goals: A Crucial Gap

Explore the critical gap in many organizations where cyber strategy fails to align with business goals in this insightful episode from the Razorwire Podcast. Learn why this misalignment poses challenges for CISOs and other cybersecurity professionals who struggle to communicate the importance of security investments to decision-makers. This short delves into the often overlooked connection between a company's risk appetite and its cybersecurity measures, emphasizing the need for a cohesive strategy that supports the core business objectives.

Why Chinese-made IoT devices are growing in the US despite bans

Between 2023 and 2024, Chinese-made IoT devices in US networks grew by over 40%, as reported in our recent Forescout Research — Vedere Labs report. Why have banned Chinese-devices grown over the last year in the US and in other regions? In this video, Elisa Costante, our VP of Research, and Rik Ferguson, our VP of Security Intelligence, explore this question in detail.