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Kovrr's Top 9 Cyber Loss Scenarios: A Year In Review

‍ ‍While each organization faces its own unique set of cyber risks that must be carefully assessed and managed in order to reach a state of resilience, certain events are nearly inevitable in today's threat environment, having the potential to create damaging ripple effects across the global market. Early in 2024, Kovrr's cyber risk quantification models identified these potential cyber incidents and loss scenarios most likely to impact organizations worldwide in the upcoming year.

5 ways a Human Risk Management Platform could support SaaS Security Posture Management

Software as a Service (SaaS) applications have become indispensable for organisations in today's digital landscape. From collaboration tools enabling better communication, to SaaS applications that streamline operations, enhance productivity, and support remote work. However, their convenience comes with significant security challenges—many of which stem from human errors, insider threats, and inadequate configuration practices.

Looking Back: What We Learned in 2024

Looking back on 2024 to start the new year, we had the great opportunity to host and be part of several conversations and demonstrations that we hope were valuable learning opportunities for everyone who joined us. Let’s take a moment to review some of the highlights from those 2024 events before we leap into 2025.

The Importance of Risk Management in Property Renovations

Renovating older properties can be both rewarding and thrilling projects, from renovating historic homes to modernizing commercial structures. Unfortunately, renovating older structures often comes with hidden dangers that turn a project into an unsafe undertaking - specifically with regards to asbestos, lead, and mold present within older structures - meaning risk management for every renovation is essential in keeping everyone involved safe during every renovation endeavor.

UpGuard's Updated Cyber Risk Ratings

Each year, we revisit our risk rating system to ensure it best reflects the needs of security practitioners safeguarding their organizations and supply chains. For our recentupdate, we’ve made two closely related changes: we’ve recategorized some of our existing findings to make an organization’s risk profile more understandable and recalibrated our scoring algorithm to more clearly illustrate the impact of specific risks.

Human Factors in Cybersecurity in 2025

Humans are often regarded as the weakest link in a cybersecurity program. Whether resulting from manipulative cybersecurity tactics or limited cybersecurity awareness, human errors remain the most prevalent attack vectors in every information security program, no matter how sophisticated your cybersecurity stack may be.

Navigating the Pixel Minefield: Web Pixel Privacy Risks and Mitigation Strategies

Web Pixel Privacy Risks and Mitigation Strategies are crucial topics for businesses today. In the previous posts, we explored the world of web pixels, uncovering potential privacy risks and highlighting the importance of a thorough audit. Now, let’s shift our focus to actionable strategies for mitigating these risks and ensuring your web pixel usage is both effective and ethical.