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What is the Tennessee Information Protection Act (TIPA)?

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee passed the Tennessee Information Protection Act (TIPA) on May 11, 2023. TIPA becomes effective on July 1, 2025, and groups Tennessee with California, Colorado, Virginia, and other states that have published their own data privacy law while waiting for a comprehensive federal law from the U.S. Government.

Introducing UpGuard Trust Exchange

Security questionnaires represent the cornerstone of most third-party risk management (TPRM) programs. They allow organizations to responsibly appraise a vendor's security posture before they move forward with onboarding and grant the vendor access to internal systems and data. Nevertheless, most security teams feel burdened by time-consuming and lengthy security questionnaires, especially when faced with additional resource and staffing limitations.

Implementing A Vendor Risk Assessment Process in 2024

A Vendor Risk Assessment (also referred to as a third-party risk assessment) is a critical component of a Vendor Risk Management program. As such, the overall impact of your VRM efforts hangs on the efficiency of your vendor risk assessment workflow. This post outlines a framework for implementing a streamlined vendor risk assessment process to prevent potential data breach-causing third-party security risks from falling through the cracks.

Advanced GDPR Compliance Strategies for Cybersecurity

As digital transformation continues to multiply pathways to personal data, complete GDPR compliance is getting harder to attain. Whether you’re a data protection officer or a cybersecurity professional helping your organization remain compliant, this blog suggests advanced GDPR compliance strategies you may not have yet considered - beyond that delightful cookie consent notice we all love.

4-Stage Vendor Risk Management Framework (2024 Edition)

A Vendor Risk Management framework is the skeleton of your VRM program. Without it, your Vendor Risk Management program will collapse under a heavy burden of inefficient processes. This post outlines the anatomy of an effective VRM framework to help you seamlessly manage security risks in your third-party network.

Championing Supply Chain Cybersecurity Amid Evolving Regulations-A New CISO Imperative

Supply chain cybersecurity and resilience have become pivotal across various cyber regulations, most notably NIS2 and DORA. In this blog, stemming from our latest ebook '5 Proven Strategies to Maximize Supply Chain Cyber Risk Management’, we will explore the reasons why resilience is a new mandate for CISOs today and, most importantly, how to secure the supply chain at scale—in line with evolving regulatory requirements.

Behind the Screen: The Peril of Neglecting Mobile Apps

Everyone knows that running outdated computer applications comes with annoyances and risks. An outdated application might face performance issues or just become slower than modern versions. It might face compatibility issues and have limited functionalities. It might lose technical support and even fail to meet current industry standards and regulations, which could put your organization at risk for non-compliance penalties and legal action.

From Risk to Fix in a Single Click: How CultureAI Are Redefining Nudges in Cyber Security

The term 'nudge' has become a buzzword in cyber security over recent years, often being mistakenly equated with 'notifications'. CultureAI aims to shift this perception by leveraging Nudge Theory principles to implement actionable Nudges.

Cybersecurity Challenges in European Telehealth

Telehealth or telemedicine is one of the most common ways of providing healthcare services in the EU, with nearly 77% of countries adopting some type of telehealth service. Countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Italy are considered some of the world’s leaders in providing telehealth services. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth became widely adopted across Europe, with many countries participating in cross-border collaboration.