
Manchester, UK
  |  By CultureAI
CultureAI has raised $10 million in capital. Mercia Ventures and Smedvig Ventures led the funding round. This funding will power CultureAI's product development and market expansion plans.
  |  By Frederick Coulton, Head of Product
The field of AI has been around for decades, but its current surge is rewriting the rules at an accelerated rate. Fuelled by increased computational power and data availability, this AI boom brings with it opportunities and challenges. AI tools fuel innovation and growth by enabling businesses to analyse data, improve customer experiences, automate processes, and innovate products - at speed. Yet, as AI becomes more commonplace, concerns about misinformation and misuse arise. With businesses relying more on AI, the risk of unintentional data leaks by employees also goes up.
Cyber criminals are relentlessly exploiting new technologies to improve their chances of success. As such, security professionals are feeling the pressure of keeping watch against these threats and trying to stay a step ahead of these criminals.
  |  By CultureAI
CultureAI, a leading provider of human risk management, is empowering employees to evaluate and fix their security risks in a single click.
  |  By Lexie Taylor-East
The term 'nudge' has become a buzzword in cyber security over recent years, often being mistakenly equated with 'notifications'. CultureAI aims to shift this perception by leveraging Nudge Theory principles to implement actionable Nudges.
Personal data is constantly being processed and transferred in numerous ways - whether in healthcare applications, store loyalty programmes, during purchases or while browsing online. With such a vast amount of personal data in circulation, the likelihood of errors occurring is heightened. It feels like almost every day we hear a story of another company being breached - with data being stolen by cybercriminals looking to steal an individual's identity, access accounts or commit fraud. Things are also getting easier for cybercriminals, thanks to technology advancements like generative AI assisting with more convincing phishing emails and deepfake content.
  |  By CultureAI
CultureAI, a leading Human Risk Management Platform, has today announced the partnership with Ignition Technology, a security distributor for the SaaS world.
  |  By Frederick Coulton
As companies use more tools and features, employee security risks grow too. While we all know email is a big target for attackers, it’s important to remember that email is not the only risk vector. Email is just one piece of the puzzle, which is why it is crucial to consider a wide range of employee security behaviours to get a holistic view of your risks. By doing so, you can focus resources more efficiently. Human Risk Management (HRM) is a vital part of cyber security in the workplace.
  |  By Neil Robinson
Cybersecurity is a complex and multifaceted arena. However, one element stands out as a crucial aspect in this field—cultivating and maintaining a robust security culture. Often underestimated in conversations, it nonetheless forms the bedrock of a secure environment.
  |  By Max Kurton
Awareness of potential threats is merely the first step; true change is brought about when secure practices become habitual through consistent reinforcement. The focus on cyber security behaviours is pivotal, as it converts theoretical knowledge into routine action. This ensures that employees not only understand the nuances of the threat landscape but also possess the capability to respond effectively during a genuine cyber attack.
  |  By CultureAI
Monitor, reduce, and fix your human cyber risks. The CultureAI Human Risk Management Platform enables security teams to proactively monitor human risk across multiple applications, providing immediate visibility into the riskiest employee behaviours and security vulnerabilities within an organisation.
  |  By CultureAI
Discover:✅ Why even the savviest individuals struggle to avoid phishing traps, especially amidst multiple software sign-ups and cloud managed services. ✅ From an organisation's standpoint, why acknowledging and reporting phishing attempts, like John's simulated case, is a crucial step towards better security.
  |  By CultureAI
Discover:✅ Why even the savviest individuals struggle to avoid phishing traps, especially amidst multiple software sign-ups and cloud managed services. ✅ From an organisation's standpoint, why acknowledging and reporting phishing attempts, like John's simulated case, is a crucial step towards better security.
  |  By CultureAI
Discover:✅ Why even the savviest individuals struggle to avoid phishing traps, especially amidst multiple software sign-ups and cloud managed services. ✅ From an organisation's standpoint, why acknowledging and reporting phishing attempts, like John's simulated case, is a crucial step towards better security.
  |  By CultureAI
Discover:✅ Why even the savviest individuals struggle to avoid phishing traps, especially amidst multiple software sign-ups and cloud managed services. ✅ From an organisation's standpoint, why acknowledging and reporting phishing attempts, like John's simulated case, is a crucial step towards better security.
  |  By CultureAI
Discover:✅ Why even the savviest individuals struggle to avoid phishing traps, especially amidst multiple software sign-ups and cloud managed services. ✅ From an organisation's standpoint, why acknowledging and reporting phishing attempts, like John's simulated case, is a crucial step towards better security.
  |  By CultureAI
Discover:✅ Why even the savviest individuals struggle to avoid phishing traps, especially amidst multiple software sign-ups and cloud managed services. ✅ From an organisation's standpoint, why acknowledging and reporting phishing attempts, like John's simulated case, is a crucial step towards better security.
  |  By CultureAI
Discover:✅ Why even the savviest individuals struggle to avoid phishing traps, especially amidst multiple software sign-ups and cloud managed services. ✅ From an organisation's standpoint, why acknowledging and reporting phishing attempts, like John's simulated case, is a crucial step towards better security.
  |  By CultureAI
Discover:✅ The current state of the security awareness and training market✅ The future of Human Risk Management and how it is evolving✅ The importance of defining job roles in Human Risk Management.
  |  By CultureAI
Discover:✅ The current state of the security awareness and training market✅ The future of Human Risk Management and how it is evolving✅ The importance of defining job roles in Human Risk Management.

CultureAI’s innovative Human Risk Management Platform empowers you to identify security risks, educate employees in real time, and nudge them to make immediate fixes.

Strengthen resilience against phishing, improve SaaS security, reduce data loss through generative AI, and more. We help security teams identify and manage their most prominent employee security risks in one comprehensive platform.

End-to-end Human Risk Management:

  • Monitor 40+ Human Risks: Surface, track and manage risks created by employees and understand where you're vunerable.
  • Security Coaching: Reduce the number of risky behaviours using risk data to drive personalised coaching that improves behaviour.
  • Automated Interventions: Where possible, reduce risks further by automatically mitigating employees' risky behaviour.
  • Security Nudges: Just-in-time notifications that nudge employees to their own risks and offer one-click solutions.

The #1 platform to improve cyber security behaviours and reduce security incidents caused by employees.