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Incident Response

Anatomy of a Supply Chain Attack: How to Accelerate Incident Response and Threat Hunting

In recent months, we’ve seen a sharp rise in software supply chain attacks that infect legitimate applications to distribute malware to users. SolarWinds, Codecov and Kesaya have all been victims of such attacks that went on to impact thousands of downstream businesses around the globe. Within minutes of these high-profile attacks making headline news, CEOs often ask: “Should we be concerned? How is it impacting us? What can we do to mitigate risk?” .

SANSFire: An Alert Has Fired. Now what?

While the security industry spends a lot of time and energy getting more and/or better alerts, comparatively little investment has gone into helping analysts operationalize and contextualize those alerts. This webcast will discuss how a solid foundation of network telemetry can enable not only high-velocity, high-confidence processing of alerts of all stripes, but also a host of other critical security applications, from fundamentals like asset management to advanced techniques like proactive threat hunting. Real-world examples and code will be used throughout the talk, along with practical considerations for operating in an enterprise environment.

What is Digital Forensics? Defining Digital Forensics and Incident Response

According to Research and Markets, the worldwide digital forensics market will expand at a compound annual growth rate of 13% through 2026. The rise of cybercrime is most certainly driving its growth — especially since digital forensics plays a critical role in mitigating cyberthreats in the modern security operations center (SOC).

Using Threat Modeling to Boost Your Incident Response Strategy

Threat modeling is increasing in importance as a way to plan security in advance. Instead of merely reacting to threats and incidents, an organization can identify and evaluate its security posture, relevant threats, and gaps in defenses that may allow attacks to succeed. Threat modeling has a two-way relationship with incident response.

What is an Incident Response Plan and How to Create One?

Regardless of size, every company could experience a cybersecurity incident one day. Security incidents can occur in companies, public institutions, schools, etc. Cybersecurity incident actions are similar to actions to be taken in response to a security incident, for example in a school. It is an inevitable reality that your network may be exposed to an incident threat.

Demystifying the Hype Around XDR

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) has generated a lot of buzz recently with press, analysts, and even customers. There’s no denying that, at face value, its promise of reduced complexity and cost while increasing detection and response is alluring. As security teams look to modernize their security tooling, they’re also looking for solutions to some of their largest challenges. Is XDR the answer? What is XDR, exactly, and how do you determine if it’s right for your organization?

Streamlining Security Incident Management & Responses

In order to get a grasp on how to ease security incident management and response processes, there are terms to be clarified first. First of all, a security incident is the common name of an attack towards an organization’s cybersecurity system, network, or data in general. In addition, TechSlang also includes successful attacks within the term “incident”. Therefore, whether impactful or not, all types of attacks, violations, or exploitations can be described as security incidents.

The State of Incident Response

Kroll, Red Canary and VMware conducted a survey of over 400 information security and 100 legal and compliance leaders from companies with over $500M in annual revenue to capture the current state of incident response from a technical and legal perspective. Our goal was to highlight trends, identify common challenges and understand how organizations are maturing their preparedness, detection and response programs.

From The Future CIO Report: For Most, Cyber Incident Response Remains a Challenge

With most organizations receiving over 100 threat alerts every day and a reduction of endpoint visibility due to the shift to remote work, the ability to quickly detect and confidently respond to cyber threats has become a difficult challenge for organizations to undertake on their own.