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Incident Response

Incident Response vs. Disaster Recovery: Key Differences

As cybercrimes and security breaches become more sophisticated, data protection strategies have become more important to business survival. A critical element in an organization’s ability to effectively handle these incidents is to reduce downtime and minimize damage. This is where an effective incident response and disaster recovery plan comes into play.

CIS Control 17. Incident Response Management

The Center for Internet Security (CIS) offers Critical Security Controls (CSCs) that help organizations improve cybersecurity. CIS CSC 17 covers incident response and management. (In earlier versions of the CIS controls, handling of security incidents was covered in Control 19.) CIS CSC 17 focuses on how to develop a plan for responding to attacks and other security incidents, including the importance of defining clear roles for those responsible for the various tasks involved.

Ultimate Guide: Creating a Cyber Security Incident Response Plan

A cybersecurity Incident Response Plan (CSIRP) is the guiding light that grounds you during the emotional hurricane that follows a cyberattack. A CSIRP helps security teams minimize the impact of active cyber threats and outline mitigation strategies to prevent the same types of incidents from happening again. But as the complexity of cyberattacks increases, so too should the strategies that prevent them.

It's time to invest in your incident response - here's how

Taking proactive measures is critical to any aspect of a strong cybersecurity strategy. And today, the need for a robust incident response plan has never been greater. As more and more companies embrace remote work, we see an influx of personal devices on the corporate network. As a result, the potential attack surface expands while endpoint visibility is significantly reduced.

Automating the Security Protections rapid response to malware

Cyber attacks on corporate networks were up 50% in 2021, and it’s expected that 2022 will see more of the same. Elastic Endpoint Security includes a variety of protection layers to ensure maximum coverage against different types of malware. There have been a few examples recently of the need for fast, accurate updates of user environments in order to protect against the latest malware.

The 1st 48 hours (after a cyber incident)

From small school districts and not-for-profit organizations with limited cyber defense budgets to major Fortune 500 companies with sophisticated cyber defense teams, understanding what to do in the first 48 hours following a significant cyber event is essential in protecting your organization and limiting the potential damage.

Seven Key Ingredients of Incident Response to Reduce the Time and Cost of Recovery

When a breach occurs, time is of the essence. The decisions you make about whom to collaborate with and how to respond will determine how much impact the incident is going to have on your business operations.

Secure your Software Supply Chain with Xray and Lightstep Incident Response

Securing your software supply chain requires proactively identifying compliance issues and security vulnerabilities early in your software development lifecycle. Additionally early detection must be coupled with an organized and agile method of response that brings together developers, operations and SRE teams to accelerate remediation workflows across the organization.