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July 2022

Incident Response: Compare Options for Your Organization

The FBI published their 2021 Internet Crime Report with data from the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). This report shows that Business Email Compromise (BEC) / Email Account Compromise (EAC) attacks far exceed the volume and losses of Ransomware attacks. Organizations need to be prepared and know who they are going to call when they experience BEC/EAC, as well as ransomware, or other high-severity incidents.

7 Ways to Jump-Start Your Incident Response

Egnyte’s recent independent cybersecurity study found that only 64% of organizations had incident response plans. Without such plans, companies are extremely susceptible to potential cyber-attacks, and the stark business reality is that they take much longer to recover. Unfortunately, there are daily examples of major data breaches where a particular company’s incident response could have been managed more effectively.

End to End Incident Response Using Elastic Security

Join James Spiteri, PMM Director for Elastic Security, as he walks through an entire incident response scenario using several features of the Elastic Search platform including Security features such as SIEM, Endpoint Security, osquery, correlation and case management. Observability features such as logging and APM are also covered as part of this investigative workflow. Additional References.