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Whitesource and CircleCI Orbs: Secure your CI/CD Pipelines from Start to Finish

Open source software components play an important role by providing us with the building blocks of our products. However, even as we enjoy the benefits of open source components, they are not without their challenges, especially when it comes to security vulnerabilities.

The origin of Open Policy Agent and Rego

Why the cloud-native architecture required a new policy language I recently started a new series on the Open Policy Agent (OPA) blog on why Rego, OPA’s policy language, looks and behaves the way it does. The blog post dives into the core design principles for Rego, why they’re important, and how they’ve influenced the language. I hope it will help OPA users better understand the language, so they can more easily jump into creating policy of their own.

Open Source Analysis Extends Your Visibility

When we think of open source analysis, security is often the first thing that comes to mind. But open source analysis is so much more than just security. It gives you visibility into your codebase to help you understand and manage your open source components. In this blog, we’ll define open source analysis, look at why it’s important to your business, and describe the characteristics of an effective open source analysis framework.

Block Security Vulnerabilities from Entering Your Code

As continuous software deployments grow and become the accepted standard, security measures gain even more importance. From development and all the way through to production, security requirements should be adopted by all teams in an organization. JFrog IDE integrations provide security and compliance intelligence to the developer right from within their IDE.

Gravity: Running Cloud Applications in Remote, Restricted and Regulated Environments.

Gravity is an application delivery system that lets engineers deliver and run cloud-native applications in regulated, restricted, or remote environments without added complexity. Gravity works by putting applications and all their dependencies onto a single deployable file, which can be used to create hardened Kubernetes clusters that can reliably and securely run in any Linux environment: edge, multi-cloud, private cloud, on-prem, and air-gapped.

Work from home better with secure and reliable enterprise service

Today, we are facing an unprecedented situation. The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everything we know -- our families, our businesses, our communities, and our way of life. In these tough times, many organizations have resorted to mandatory remote working for employees so they can still be productive and safe. Saas productivity tools like Zoom, Slack, G-Suite and Office 365 became seemingly mandatory in this new distributed workplace.