Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Securing Container-Based Applications at the Speed of DevOps

Thanks to containerization and automation, applications are being developed and delivered faster than ever. With tools such as AWS ECR, developers are able to store, manage and deploy Docker container images without having to worry about operating their own container repositories or scaling the underlying infrastructure. With this, however, arise challenges around managing the security and compliance aspect of your container images. With tools such as WhiteSource, developers are able to manage the security of their containers and container images with no impact on agility and speed.

Whose vulnerability is it anyway?

Application security is a top priority today for companies that are developing software. However, it is also becoming more challenging and complex as release frequency continues to rise, more open source components are adopted, and the requirements for data security are getting stricter. Thanks to new DevOps practices and tools, development cycles are getting shorter, allowing organizations to meet market demands and deliver a superior customer experience, but is application security keeping up?

Lessons Learnt By An Agent Of Chaos From DevOps

Is your organization ready to embrace a DevOps mindset? Receive a pragmatic view from an agent of chaos, who’s promoting the goal for a single continuous integration and delivery pipeline, shifting testing, security, code reviews, and other opportunities to improve information sharing and quality to the left, shifting configuration to the right, and most importantly, aiming to delight users with constant value.

The State of Open Source Security Management RSA 2019

It is no secret - open source has become the main building block in modern applications, and it is almost impossible to develop software at today's pace without it. However, as the open source community grows, and the number of reported vulnerabilities keeps climbing, manually verifying the security and compliance of open source components can no longer provide the necessary control over the security of these components.

Panel Open Source Security - Weighing the Pros and Cons

Over the past few years, open source has grown in popularity especially among developers using open source code in their application development efforts. In the security space, however, open source hasn’t been as widely embraced, mostly because of concerns over vulnerabilities. But is open source software really less secure?

Panel Discussion: Forrester's Latest Wave Report on Software Composition Analysis 2019

Last week The Forrester Wave™: Software Composition Analysis, Q2 2019 was published. We took part in MediaOps panel discussion to discuss the results of the report and which SCA vendors are right for software development and security teams and their needs.

How SAP Integrates License Compliance & Security Into Their DevOps Pipeline

Gone are the days where open source components were only used by individual developers, start-ups or small corporations. Today, even the biggest corporate giants have realized the numerous benefits open source usage brings, thereby openly embracing this as part of their software to help them focus their efforts and push more code out of the door faster.

Panel Discussion: Cloud Security - Keeping Serverless Data Safe

The push to the cloud has introduced a previously unknown level of agility to many organizations, but sometimes at the expense of data security. Human error often is the cause of cloud security blunders, putting sensitive data at risk and causing real damage to companies in terms of financial liability and loss of reputation. This webinar discusses some of the more overlooked aspects of cloud security and offers up some best practices for ensuring data in the cloud is truly secure.

Demystifying PCI Software Security Framework: All You Need to Know for Your AppSec Strategy

The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council recently released a new security framework to replace the previous standard (PCI PA-DSS). The new framework is set to better address the changes that the software development industry has seen in the past few years. Agile and DevOps methodologies, cloud and containerized environments and widespread open source usage have become the new normal and with this, present new AppSec challenges. To ensure that users of payment apps remain safe, the new framework aims to lay a substantial value on continuous application security.

Whitesource and CircleCI Orbs: Secure your CI/CD Pipelines from Start to Finish

Open source software components play an important role by providing us with the building blocks of our products. However, even as we enjoy the benefits of open source components, they are not without their challenges, especially when it comes to security vulnerabilities.