Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Enhanced Data Security and Regulatory Compliance With AWS Cloud + Protegrity

Protegrity is proud to partner with AWS, offering businesses like yours the integrations you need to start protecting data at the field level. With precision data protection through Protegrity and AWS, companies can start meeting regulatory compliance standards outlined with PCI DSS, GDPR, Nacha, or other compliance requirements. With regulatory compliance standards met, businesses can unlock opportunities in improved cloud migration, AI, advanced analytics, reputation management, and more. See how Protegrity’s data protection and partnership with AWS can take your organization to the next level.

JumpCloud Announces Support for AWS Workspaces

The slow and steady progression of technology has transformed the way we work (and think about work) in so many exciting ways. The past few decades have opened new opportunities to create, automate, and manage just about everything that might exist within the IT ecosystem… but sometimes that progression creates complexity and conflict, as new technology solutions clash with existing standards and operations.

Cloud identity insights - Detect at the edge in real time

Cloud attacks strike fast. Prevention used to be enough, but not anymore. And legacy EDR tools fall short because they lack visibility into cloud identities and behavior. Defenders need the ability to detect at the edge - in real time - and correlate early stage identity behavior to see what's happening fast.

Comprehensive Guide to Cyber Insurance for MSPs

Cybercrime is as lucrative as ever, generating millions in illicit revenues for threat actors. Between 2021 and 2023, global data breaches rose by 72%, breaking all previous records. Meanwhile, data breach costs continue to rise. The average cost of an enterprise data breach in 2024 is $4.88 million — another all-time high. This puts managed service providers (MSPs) in a tight position. Cyber liability insurance can help reduce exposure to steep losses associated with cyberattacks.

Essential Features to Look for in a Data Management as a Service Solution

Today, organizations face more data than ever. Efficient data management is vital for success and compliance. This is where Data Management as a Service (DMaaS) steps in. These data service solutions simplify data management. They allow businesses to manage data without big in-house setups. However, choosing the right DMaaS solution can be tricky. So, what should you look for? Here are the key features.

Cloud Security And Privacy: Best Practices To Mitigate The Risks

Cloud security refers to technologies, best practices, and safety guidelines that help to protect your data from human errors, insider and security threats. Therefore, it naturally covers a wide range of procedures, which are aimed at securing systems from data breaches, data loss, unauthorized access, and other cybersecurity-related risks that are growing from year to year.

How Are SMEs Approaching IT Security?

Security remains a thorny issue for small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), consistently topping the list of challenges for IT professionals in JumpCloud’s biannual SME IT Trends survey. In our latest edition, IT pros shared their real-world experiences and strategies around security, among other pressing topics. This blog will dive into those insights to reveal how SMEs are tackling the security landscape today.

Common Trends in the MSP Industry

The managed service provider (MSP) landscape is experiencing rapid evolution as businesses increasingly rely on external IT support. To gain valuable insights into the industry’s current state, we interviewed Bill Hammelman of CCP Tech and Bill Hughes of Weehooey as part of the JumpCloud Partner Success Interview series. This blog post delves into common trends and challenges faced by MSPs based on their expertise.

Cloud Server vs. Physical Server: Which One is Better?

In the ever-evolving landscape of business technology, companies are faced with a crucial decision - should they opt for the cloud or maintain their own physical servers? Both options hold distinct advantages, making the choice a complex one that requires careful consideration.