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Vulnerability Management with ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus

Vulnerability management is the cyclical process of identifying, evaluating, treating, and reporting on threats and vulnerabilities across your network endpoints. In this video, we take an in-depth look at the exhaustive threat and vulnerability management features of ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus.

What is AMNESIA:33?

What is AMNESIA:33? Forescout Research Labs has discovered a set of thirty-three new memory-corrupting vulnerabilities, affecting millions of enterprise IoT, OT and IT devices. Lurking in four open-source TCP/IP stacks used by over 150 vendors, AMNESIA:33 can present an immediate risk to organizations worldwide. Four of the vulnerabilities are critical, with possible exploits including Remote Code Execution, Denial of Service, and Data Exfiltration.

The Year of the Pandemic and 2021 Cybersecurity Predictions

2020 will always be remembered as the year our lives changed dramatically due to the Coivd-19 pandemic. Here our panel of security experts look back at the lessons learned in the past 12 months and share their predictions for the key security challenges organizations will face in 2021.

Six key findings from the 'DevSecOps Practices and Open Source Management in 2020' report

This week Synopsys released the “DevSecOps Practices and Open Source Management in 2020” report, findings from a survey of 1,500 IT professionals working in cyber security, software development, software engineering, and web development. The report explores the strategies that organizations around the world are using to address open source vulnerability management, as well as the problem of outdated or abandoned open source components in commercial code.

4 Things a Good Vulnerability Management Policy Should Include

Organizations face an ever-evolving threat landscape. With this in mind, it is imperative that organizations keep an up-to-date vulnerability management policy for remediating and controlling security vulnerabilities that may lead to a breach. A good vulnerability management policy should contain the following.

Detectify checks for critical Oracle WebLogic Server RCEs (CVE-2020-14882, CVE-2020-14750)

On October 29th, Detectify released a security test to detect a critical Oracle WebLogic Server RCE – CVE-2020-14882. Again in November, Oracle released an out-of-band security patch to fix a related RCE for Oracle Fusion Middleware. These vulnerabilities are currently being exploited by multiple botnets in the wild. Detectify scans your application for both of these vulnerabilities and will alert you if you are running a vulnerable version of Oracle WebLogic Server.

How to mitigate Ransomware attacks

Ransomware is a serious security threat affecting companies of all sizes and industries. While the symptoms (an attack) can be extremely damaging and disruptive, the solution can be simple - proactive prevention through a heavy dose of security hygiene. Here we cover the basics of Ransomware and top tips for securing your organization against it.