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Teleport 4.3 Demo | Privileged Access Management | SSH & Kubectl

In this video, we show the basic capabilities of Gravitational Teleport, an open-source Linux server for setting up infrastructure access via SSH or Kubernetes. Gravitational Teleport is a gateway for managing access to clusters of Linux servers via SSH or the Kubernetes API. Download Teleport Community here and try it for your self Check out our GitHub repo here If you want to ask any questions reach out here.

Cybersecurity Baseline for IoT Device Manufacturers

The pervasive impact of Internet of Things (IoT) devices on our lives is greater than that of traditional IT devices. There are several unknowns in IoT security, and it raises concerns for customers who are looking to incorporate IoT devices in their existing infrastructure. Fortunately, security by design can resolve some of the major root causes of the underlying vulnerabilities in these connected devices.

Can AI Predict Workplace Violence?

In June 2020, a knife attack at a kindergarten in China injured 39 people, many of them children. The perpetrator was a security guard at the school. This was an insider attack and a horrific act that happens far too often across the world. While the majority of the cybersecurity industry is focused on securing data, the growing convergence of digital and physical security remains unhinged.

How Cloud Mitigation Techniques Can Help Prevent Ransomware and Phishing Attacks

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed flaws in the American healthcare system that were always there. The only difference now is that those flaws have been brought to light. In the wake of the pandemic, a new host of cyberattacks occurred within the healthcare sector. Malicious hackers aimed to take advantage of the crisis with a combination of misinformation campaigns and ransomware.

Bridging the Gap Between Designers and Developers

Designing software is tough. Whether you’re a designer, a product manager, or an engineer, we all play a major role in what the end user gets their hands on. Perhaps one of the most critical pieces on the journey to making great software is the relationship between designers and developers. When software is done right, it’s easy, intuitive, and a joy to use. This is no accident - it’s very intentional and it often takes countless iterations to get products to look and feel great.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Open Source Attribution Reports

Open source components are a major part of the software products we create and use. Along with the many advantages that using open source projects brings to software development organizations, it also comes with obligations and added responsibilities. One of these requirements is open source licensing compliance.