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Supply Chain

How to Easily Generate An Accurate Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) with Black Duck | Synopsys

Did you know that open source code constitutes up to 95% of the code in your applications? This creates a web of dependencies that can pose security, quality, and compliance risks. Black Duck provides a solution by helping you generate an accurate software bill of materials (SBOM) in minutes, giving you visibility into your software supply chain. Watch the video to streamline your SBOM generation process and take control of your software supply chain.

Securing the Software Supply Chain: Key Findings from the Mend Open Source Risk Report

Threat actors will always target the things most important to businesses, and today, that means applications–the lifeblood of the global economy. As the recent Mend Open Source Risk Report reveals, the ongoing rise in open source vulnerabilities and software supply chain attacks presents significant business risk. The number of open source vulnerabilities are growing, just as threat actors are launching increasingly sophisticated attacks.

When software isn't a "supply"

I was inspired to write this after reading a post from Thomas Depierre on Mastodon. The post touched on something that’s been troubling me recently. When it comes to software security, we spend a lot of time talking about the software supply chain and related concepts, such as the software bill of materials (SBOM). This metaphor comes from an industrial lexicon. People who are used to talking about economies and how manufacturing works are familiar with the idea of supply chain.

Top 10 Most Common Software Supply Chain Risk Factors

Imagine a world where a single line of code, tucked away in a common library or framework, could bring your entire digital world to a screeching halt—welcome to the ever-evolving landscape of software supply chain security. Like any supply chain, the security of your software is only as strong as the weakest link in the system that produces and delivers working code.

Don't be the weakest link

Open source provides a shortcut to functionality developed by others. But with exponential growth in the use of open source there is a very real risk of businesses failing to keep track of components, their dependencies and licenses. It's more important than ever to stay in control of the code your applications depend on and with typically hundreds of dependencies, this is not a small task. Avoid being the weakest link - understand the risks associated with your software supply chain and how to control them!

Prevent Inadvertent Software Supply Chain Exposures When Allowing Public Access to Private Registries

At JFrog, we’re serious about software supply chain security. As a CVE Numbering Authority, our JFrog Security Research team regularly discovers and discloses new malicious packages and vulnerabilities posing a threat to development organizations. We know that in order to deliver trusted software on demand, you must have a secure software supply chain — making security a priority in everything we do.

GitHub & Supply Chain Risks

Contributing members of the open source project git deployed a code change in June 2022 that switched the default file compression method from the gzip program to an internal gzip-compatible implementation. The change was made for performance reasons and to reduce the dependency on the aging gzip project. Unfortunately, it also impacted SaaS offerings like GitHub that use git under the hood. GitHub deployed the change and was also forced to quickly roll it back in January 2023.

Advanced Security in your Software Supply Chain - Part 1

Containerised deployment is widely becoming a standard in every industry, ensuring these containers are protected at every level with a high level of accuracy is one of the most important tasks. Some industry vendors rely solely on the manifest files to provide them with a list of components, others have to manually convert the container image to a TAR archive before scanning, and even then they may only work on the application layer instead of evaluating the entire filesystem.

How to Bake Security into your CI/CD Pipeline

According to IBM Security's "The Cost of a Data Breach Report", the global cost of data breaches in 2022 increased by 2.6% compared to previous year, reaching $4.35 million. The source code of major companies like Nvidia, Microsoft, Uber, Slack, Toyota was leaked, often caused by usage of hardcoded secrets (you can see more details in the infographics below). In those cases, lateral movements were compromising software supply chain security. In their report Gartner claims about 45% of companies should expect to become targets of supply chain attacks by 2025.