Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


GitHub Security Code Scanning: Secure your open source dependencies

We are happy to announce Snyk Open Source support for GitHub Security Code Scanning, enabling you to automatically scan your open source dependencies for security vulnerabilities and license issues, as well as view results directly from within GitHub’s Security tab! A key ingredient of Snyk’s developer-first approach is integrating Snyk’s security data into the exact same processes that developers are using, whether this is within a developer’s IDE or a Git-based workflow.

How AppSec has evolved in 2021: Reddit's perspective

As organizations continue to rely on software for core business processes, application security is an ever-critical consideration. Snyk recently held a roundtable with Reddit to discuss application security in 2021. In this post, we’ll recap the discussion between Guy Podjarny, President & Co-Founder of Snyk, and Spencer Koch, Security Wizard at Reddit.

Snyk & Intuit roundtable: Breaking silos, engaging with security and developer communities

I recently attended a Snyk roundtable with Intuit, and it was such a good session that I wanted to write a post sharing some of the insightful discussion and takeaways — starting with this great artistic impression of the session! As a TL;DR, here are my biggest takeaways from the session.

Why developer-first SAST tools are the future of code security

Application security has a broad scope for teams that build and ship cloud native applications. The landscape spans many processes, tools, and team members, and includes anything from automating secure pipelines (hello DevSecOps) to open source security to cloud infrastructure security testing.

Secure Elixir development with Snyk

We’re happy to announce support for Elixir, enabling development and security teams to easily find, prioritize and fix vulnerabilities in the Elixir and Erlang packages they are using to build their applications! Using the Snyk CLI, Elixir developers can now test and monitor their Mix/Hex projects manually or at key steps of their CI process, ensuring that known vulnerabilities are caught early on and before code is deployed into production.

Kubernetes Quick Hits: Use SecurityContext to run containers with a read-only filesystem

In this episode of our Kubernetes Quick Hits video series, Eric Smalling–Sr. In less than four minutes, you’ll learn how to use the readOnlyRootFilesystem control to keep your containers immutable and safe from modification by hackers and misbehaving code. Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. In addition to container security scans, Snyk can continuously monitor to find and fix vulnerabilities for npm, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, PyPI and more.

Shifting security left while building a Cloud Native bank

Building a digital bank requires a unique combination of agility and speed while maintaining the highest level of security. Lunar, a digital challenger bank in the Nordics, has always had technology and agility as a differentiator. Lunar was built for the cloud, with Cloud Native principles, such as microservices, containers, and container orchestration amongst others. In this presentation Kasper will present some insights into the principles on which the Lunar infrastructure was built on, the continuous focus on security, and how application security is shifting left and becoming a developer concern.