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Digital Identity

How To Know if Your Identity Has Been Stolen

Some signs that indicate your identity may have been stolen include seeing charges you didn’t make on your bank account statement, new inquiries on your credit report, an unusual drop in your credit score, credit checks you didn’t initiate, your credentials being posted on the dark web and more. Continue reading to learn more indications that your identity has been stolen and what to do if you’re a victim.

Five Workforce Trends That Intensify Insider Threats

Insider threats don’t often seem like threats at all. They look like colleagues working diligently at the office, logging on to the corporate network from Starbucks or providing a critical third-party service. But insider threats are a big problem that’s getting even bigger and costlier to tackle.

CyberArk Achieves ISO/IEC 27018 Certification - an International Standard for Cloud Privacy

It is my distinct honor to announce that CyberArk has officially achieved ISO/IEC 27018:2019 certification – the first privacy-specific international standard for cloud service providers focused on safeguarding personally identifiable information (PII), one of the most mission-critical components of cloud security.

Operationalizing Identity Security in the Public Cloud

As enterprises increasingly migrate to the public cloud, identity and access management (IAM) inconsistencies across different cloud providers pose a significant hurdle. Effectively securing identities in this complex landscape has proven to be a challenge. Discussions with industry analysts and enterprise clients have highlighted a prevalent issue: the existing security tool suite often falls short in providing actionable measures to weave identity security into cloud operations.

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The Coming Quantum Computing Storm: How can Identity best prepare?

During the last 20 years many areas of technology development seemed to speed up dramatically. Identity management as part of cybersecurity, has undergone an incredible transformation, at a rate which no one could have predicted. But few areas moved as fast as quantum computing is developing today. The speed of progress is impressive with advances in capability, which once seemed near impossible, being achieved in relatively short time frames.

Fantastic Rootkits: And Where To Find Them (Part 3) - ARM Edition

In this blog, we will discuss innovative rootkit techniques on a non-traditional architecture, Windows 11 on ARM64. In the prior posts, we covered rootkit techniques applied to a modern Windows 10 OS (Part 1) and rootkit analysis of current threats for Intel x86-64 (Part 2). Although we have yet to come across any malware family in the wild targeting this platform, we may see it in the near future as Windows on ARM devices grow in popularity.

EP 33 - The Evolution of Privileged Access Management (PAM)

Crystal Trawny, Optiv’s Practice Director, Privileged Account and Endpoint Privilege Management (PAM/EPM), joins host David Puner in exploring the ever-evolving identity landscape and how emerging threats impact organizations’ cybersecurity requirements. Through the eyes of an end user, Trawny shares best practices for overcoming change resistance, creating effective deployment timelines and avoiding scope creep.

The Cloud Security Layer Cake: Modern Use Cases for PAM

Warm. Rich. Chocolatey. The way I see it, a proper chocolate layer cake is the best sensory experience a human can have. Let’s go a bit further still: good chocolate cake is the height of human achievement. In the world of enterprise IT, one could say the same of a diverse, purpose-built IT infrastructure. Every enterprise application – whether internal or customer-facing – must run on the right server, virtual machine (VM), container or database for the task at hand.

Making Zero Standing Privileges a Reality

The most significant change in the lifespan of identity security thus far is zero standing privileges (ZSP). Considered to be the next evolution of just-in-time (JIT) access, although it may seem needlessly complex at first, once you wrap your head around the concept, it feels as natural as turning off lights when you leave a room. But first, a bit about me and the journey to ZSP.