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Access Management

Why you need Active Roles, even if you have IGA

Here are two scenarios I come across frequently, with customers of all sizes, in all industries, when discussing One Identity Active Roles: These situations come from customers on all points of the "Identity Security Maturity" spectrum. Those who have nothing in place or some things in place or an entire stack of fully implemented solutions in every category.

The advantages of using time-based one-time passwords (TOTP)

In the fast-paced world we live in, where organizations face increasing threats to their security and protecting sensitive information, implementing robust security measures is paramount. Static passwords have proven inadequate in safeguarding data from unauthorized access and data breaches. However, there is a solution that addresses these vulnerabilities: time-based one-time passwords (TOTP).

Establishing Privileged Access Management standards for your organization

Privileged accounts are the prime target of cybercriminals hoping to access an organization’s assets. Without a way to keep track of, secure, record and analyze privileged users and the privileged sessions they perform, it’s only a matter of time before a hacker finds their way into your more critical assets. That’s where setting Privileged Access Management standards comes in.

From Admin to AdminPlusPlus: Breaking Out of Sandboxed Applications Through Recon, Being Brave and Abusing SSO Domain Account Mappings

I've been pentesting applications for nearly two decades now and throughout that time you get to see trends. One of these is the gradual adoption of Single Sign-On (SSO) in the corporate environment for lots of previously isolated applications. These applications would usually have their own user database and the users (the employees) would need to authenticate directly to them with specific 'local' credentials. With this setup comes varying password expiry times, complexity requirements, etc.

The benefits of Privileged Access Management for compliance and regulation

Privileged Access Management (PAM) is a crucial aspect of any organization's cybersecurity strategy, especially in industries that handle sensitive data, such as health care, finance and government. PAM involves implementing policies, procedures and tools to manage and monitor access to privileged accounts and limit the risk of unauthorized access or misuse. This ensures that only authorized personnel can access critical systems and data, reducing the chances of a security breach.

Types of Threats Privileged Accounts Face

There are many cybersecurity threats privileged accounts face including phishing, insider threats, malware and brute force attacks. When privileged accounts aren’t managed or secured properly, all of an organization’s sensitive data is vulnerable to being successfully targeted by threat actors. Continue reading to learn how and why cybercriminals target privileged accounts and how organizations can keep their most critical accounts safe.

How to Contain a Privileged Access Breach Quickly and Effectively

If an adversary manages to gain control of a privileged account in your network, you may face serious consequences, including costly data loss, prolonged downtime, customer churn, and legal and compliance penalties. This blog explains how to build an effective incident response plan that can help you minimize the damage from a breach.