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Athleticism and AIOps: What's your checklist?

Here at Devo’s Cambridge, MA office, we’ve been steeped in news of national sports league playoffs for several weeks. The games are great, even with the stress and uncertainty of overtime, but it’s gotten me thinking about the professional hockey and basketball players, and how they’ve become as successful as they are.

Enterprise log management is here to stay: Part 1

Logs began with UNIX in the 1960s, partly to preserve the culture of close communication in programming. Luckily, that culture has held fast as programming and technology have taken many different shapes and evolutions over the years, and today, the idea behind logs is still to maintain data for correlation and analysis to meet enterprise security and compliance needs.

Devo recognized in new Intelligent Application & Service Monitoring report

Forrester Research has released The Forrester Wave™: Intelligent Application & Service Monitoring, Q2 2019 report and I am excited to share that Devo has been identified as a Strong Performer. Devo’s recognition as a Strong Performer is, in our opinion, a great validation of our data-first approach.

Logging in a DevOps environment: what you should know

DevOps is the new normal, and cloud here is to stay – sound familiar? When you combine the two and distill the technology at the core, what you end up with is the realization of the importance of logs and log management. This is because logs at multiple levels help DevOps teams understand their application and even allow them to detect and address application issues before being promoted into production.

Zero Trust Security: Supporting a CARTA approach with Anomaly Detection

Learn how Anomaly Detection supports, what Gartner has termed, a continuous adaptive risk and trust assessment (CARTA) when building a CaaS platform using Kubernetes. Anomaly Detection expands the zero trust network security model and continuously assess the application and network risk that enables adaptive policy adjustments.

3 Reasons Log Management is Critical for Business Intelligence

Log management is the answer to all of your digital transformation woes. No, hear me out. At its heart, log management is the (challenging) task of collecting and storing all machine-generated data from across your entire enterprise into a common repository. If this collection doesn’t happen, or if log collection is limited to certain datasets, there’s little chance of deriving those high value insights you dream of.

Machine data processing and 5G, IoT, and AI at Mobile World Congress 2019

One thing that’s become evident to me after years attending Mobile World Congress is that, in fact, there are several events running in parallel, with a few common denominators: network technology providers, device manufacturers, telecom operators, and services companies all come to Barcelona to present and demonstrate the latest and greatest of the year’s dominating trends.