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Our Recap of AWS re:Invent 2018

Who else had as much fun as we did at re:Invent 2018? I hope everyone is now home, rested, and going through everything they’ve learned while at the show – I know I learned a ton! The best part of being at a conference like re:Invent is hearing firsthand from practitioners how they are using technology to solve their business challenges.

Devo Technology Accelerates Investment in Cybersecurity with New Business Unit, Major Hires

Cambridge, MA, December 4, 2018 – Devo Technology, the data operations company, is building on its success delivering cybersecurity solutions to Fortune 2000 companies with the addition of three security executives to its employee roster. The company today announced the appointment of Julian Waits as General Manager of the Devo Security Business Unit. Joining Waits are Matt Mosley, Vice President of Products, Cybersecurity and Fred Wilmot, VP of Security Engineering.

4 Key Ways You Can Streamline Algorithm Deployment

Creating the best algorithms can’t be magic; it needs to be a replicable process for your team. What are the critical needs for this to happen? According to Gartner, “Companies will be valued not just on their big data, but on the algorithms that turn that data into actions and impact customers.” This emphasizes the need for organizations to embrace algorithms as the foundation of their business logic.