Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Styra Accelerates Cloud Migration with Cloud-Native Entitlements

I’m excited to announce that today we’ve unleashed Styra Declarative Authorization Service (DAS) for Cloud-Native Entitlements! Organizations are rapidly modernizing and migrating applications to the cloud, but they are often held back by legacy entitlement systems that are not compatible with today's scale and sprawl of cloud-native development models.

CVE-2022-23628, OPA and Styra DAS

CVE-2022-23628 was published last week by the Open Policy Agent (OPA) project maintainers after a user reported unexpected behavior from a policy bundle that was built with optimizations enabled. The problem stemmed from a regression fix in the v0.33.1 release that addressed incorrect pretty-printing of Rego object literals by the `opa fmt` command and the underlying `format` package.

Data Storage in Kubernetes

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably either running a Kubernetes cluster or planning to run one. Whatever the case may be, you will most likely need to have a look at data—how to store it and how to secure it. There are different types of stored data in Kubernetes: In this article, we will review how to deal with each of these data types in a Kubernetes cluster.

CloudCasa Adds to Cyber Resilience with Kubernetes Security Posture Reviews

CloudCasa was built to provide data protection services for Kubernetes and cloud native workloads. As a SaaS backup solution for Kubernetes, CloudCasa was designed from the ground up to be a secure, well-architected, SaaS platform that improves a customer’s security posture against sophisticated cyber-attacks.

Calico Cloud: Active build and runtime security for cloud-native applications

Calico Cloud has just celebrated its 1-year anniversary! And what better way to celebrate than to launch new features and capabilities that help users address their most urgent cloud security needs. Over the past year, the Tigera team has seen rapid adoption of Calico Cloud for security and observability of cloud-native applications.

Teaming up with Sysdig to deliver developer and runtime Kubernetes security

Today, we’re excited to announce a partnership with Sysdig to provide container and Kubernetes security together — from code to cluster. Together, Snyk and Sysdig can help developers secure code and containers in development, protect the runtime Kubernetes environment, and deliver feedback and visibility from production back to developers, eliminating the noise of container vulnerabilities.

How to Write YAML file for Kubernetes?

Though Kubernetes has grown in popularity, it still has a steep learning curve that can make it hard to adopt the technology. Those who can’t get past this initial hurdle are often left behind in the fast-paced field of software development. This article will introduce YAML files for Kubernetes object configuration. YAML provides a way to declaratively configure your Kubernetes applications, and these declarative files allow you to effectively scale and manage your applications.

Best practices for securing Kubernetes applications

Cloud-based Kubernetes applications have become the standard for modernizing workloads, but their multi-layered design can easily create numerous entry points for unauthorized activity. To protect your applications from these threats, you need security controls at each layer of your Kubernetes infrastructure.

Open Policy Agent 101: A Beginner's Guide

More than 90% of applications will be cloud-native by 2023. As organizations transition from monolithic, on-premise environments to dynamic cloud-based ones, ensuring access control becomes more critical — and complex. That’s why I co-created Open Policy Agent, also known as OPA. OPA unifies policy enforcement across the cloud-native stack.

Sysdig and Snyk use runtime intelligence to eliminate vulnerability noise

One of the greatest challenges in cloud environments today is to ensure rapid development cycles while keeping up with security vulnerabilities. Sysdig and Snyk announced today a partnership to deliver integrated code to container runtime security that eliminates up to 95% of vulnerability alert noise, optimizes remediation, and protects runtime. Developers can be fast with security barriers removed, and yet without sacrificing security.