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Organizations are traveling the road to cybersecurity automation, but it is not a smooth journey

Our latest industry research – ‘The 2022 State of IT Security Automation Adoption’ – which we have undertaken for the second year running and expanded into other regions including the UK, USA and Australia, shows strong signs that cybersecurity automation adoption is advancing, but 97% of respondents say they have experienced problems during implementation.

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5 Questions to Ask When Developing an Automation Strategy

Automation is like running a marathon. It sounds like a great and noble pursuit until you actually go out and start pursuing it. At that point, it's easy to fail if you don't prepare yourself ahead of time for the challenges that are inherent to the process. Indeed, although automation can provide a number of awesome benefits, whether you actually reap those benefits depends on how easy it is to implement and manage automation tools. And, as many teams discover, doing these things may be harder than it often seems.

Unlock the Power of Security Automation: Threat Intelligence Management

Threat intelligence has become a significant input to the overall ecosystem that organizations leverage in their security footprint. Managing that data and the contextualization required to develop useful information can be daunting for fledgling and established organizations. I will discuss ways to automate some of the repetitive tasks and fuel other areas of the security organization to help them better achieve their mission sets.

Pros and cons of cybersecurity automation

Image Source: Pexels Cybersecurity threats are nothing new. Major corporations and small businesses alike are regularly faced with them. However, as technology continues to advance and change, so do those threats. Technological sophistication is important when it comes to providing us with the advancements we’ll eventually become used to. But that means cybercriminals are also becoming more sophisticated in their efforts. The solution? Cybersecurity has to become more sophisticated, as well.

Cyber Skills Shortage? The Time for Security Automation Is Now

Many industries are affected by skills gaps, but according to Cybersecurity Ventures, the shortage within the IT/cybersecurity sector is nearly unmatched: Over an eight-year period, the number of unfilled cybersecurity jobs increased from one million positions in 2013 to 3.5 million in 2021.

Building a simple dynamic job scheduler with Sidekiq

One commonly used feature with Tines is the ability to configure your Actions to run on a schedule (docs). For example, an HTTP Request Action that runs every minute, once a day, or every few hours. Our customers rely heavily on this feature in carrying out their mission-critical workflows. In this post, we examine how our old job scheduler system worked, a very interesting race condition, and why we replaced our old scheduler with something more reliable to meet our delivery guarantees.

Unlock the Power of Security Automation: 3 Use Cases to Consider

At ThreatQuotient, we write a lot about security automation. Most recently, we’ve discussed how our data-driven approach to automation helps enable extended detection and response (XDR) in all phases of security operations including detection, investigation and response.

Understanding Security Automation vs. Orchestration

“Automation” and “orchestration” are terms that frequently appear within the same sentence – which is unsurprising, because they are closely related. In fact, they’re so similar in meaning that it can be easy to confuse their meanings or assume that there is basically no real difference between security automation and orchestration. But, as with many concepts in the world of IT and security (“observability” vs.