Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Evade the SecOps Black Hole: A Five-Tier Approach to a Hyperautomated SOC

There’s a term to describe what happens to something that gets sucked into a black hole: “spaghettification.” The gravitational pull of a black hole is so forceful, that it is believed to stretch and compress objects into long thin shapes resembling spaghetti. SOC analysts spend their days trying to avoid being sucked into the black hole of overwhelming security events and alerts. They’re fighting to not be spaghettified.

Automating Extension Risk Assessment and Permissions

Browser extensions are a classic shadow IT concern. Assessing the reputation and security of a browser extension is crucial before installing it on a company computer, as extensions often have wide-ranging permissions that could be abused for data theft or other malicious activities. In an open environment style company, extensions generate significant shadow IT risk that needs to be managed and addressed.

Escape Python's Stranglehold With AWS CLI

One thing we’ve consistently heard from our customers is that using legacy SOAR solutions to build AWS automations and workflows is complex and painfully slow. Why? Because legacy SOAR solutions typically use Python to do anything, and to make Python work for you, you have to be an expert in it. Python is often complex and requires writing scripts to execute most commands.

Friday Flows Episode 17: How to authenticate Microsoft Teams for use with Tines

Tines & Teams... has a nice ring to it! Rosie Halpin, our newest Product Manager, walks through the new & improved ways to quickly get connected, start sending messages, and build powerful automations that send relevant information to users in Teams. Aaron Sandow said it's now so simple & easy to use he could teach his grandparents to connect Tines to Teams!

The Journey to True Hyperautomation

The benefits of hyperautomation are well documented. But it can be challenging to determine where to get started. Maybe you’ve been burned by outdated and antiquated solutions, like legacy SOAR, that were so complex, costly, and time consuming that a path forward seemed impossible. At Torq, the journey to true hyperautomation is a three-phased approach that will transform your security posture and result in more than 90% of SOC processes automated.

Tines vs Python: Understanding alternative approaches to automation

We're sometimes asked, "Can you run Bash or Python scripts natively in Tines?" and today, we're sharing the answer, and weighing in on the debate between full-code, low-code and no-code automation. The short answer is yes, you can run scripts and linux commands natively in Tines, however, you might not necessarily want to. Many of our customers avoid doing so for security, usability and performance reasons. Let's take a closer look at some of these potential pitfalls.

Scale Your Vendor Risk Management Program with Automation

As your business grows and you work with more third-party vendors, you need to ensure security and stability across your entire vendor supply chain. With hundreds, if not thousands, of external vendors, it can be daunting and time-consuming for teams to compile all the necessary data about each vendor, evaluate the vendor's impact, and take action to ensure compliance with organizational needs.