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Making Continuous HIPAA Compliance Easy with ExpertOps

Healthcare organizations continue to face relentless cyberattacks owing to the immense value placed on patient health information on the dark web. Patient records have almost everything the attacker needs to carry out sophisticated insurance fraud schemes, purchase medical supplies or drugs, or commit other types of fraud including outright identity theft.

Securing the Build Environment: A 'Critical' Component of Container Security

As I noted in a previous article, the build environment is a key area on which organizations should focus their container security efforts. Companies don’t usually think of the build environment when it comes to securing their containers. But it’s critical that they do.

10 Ways to Keep Your Devices and Data Secure Online

Here are my top recommendations for people who want to increase the safety of their devices and data online. Please note “increase safety,” isn’t equivalent to “ensure 100% security,” because although 100% security doesn’t exist, we should still strive for it. It’s important to remember that maintaining security requires us to continually apply and update best practices to an ever-evolving digital landscape.

UpGuard Tasks: a Lightweight Tracking System for Ops

It's not pleasant to think about, but the fact is that when we go to work we are expected to do things. But what are the things that need doing? If we can answer that question without hours of meetings or dozens of emails we can finish our work and do...other things. UpGuard's new Tasks feature provides a lightweight project management system designed especially to maintain quality in a rapidly changing environment.

Infosecurity Europe Survey: Security Professionals Gearing up for Rise in Nation-State Attacks

In the midst of some of the most interesting times in geopolitical history, Tripwire wanted to see how the infosec community is currently feeling about nation-state attacks. It thus decided to conduct a survey while at Infosecurity Europe 2018 in London. Specifically, Tripwire surveyed 416 attendees to see what the future of nation-state attacks might look like.

ICS Security in a Nutshell: Common Challenges and How Tripwire Can Help Overcome Them

Industrial control systems (ICS) first proliferated at a time when cybersecurity didn’t weigh heavily on organizations’ minds. Since then, there have been two significant developments in the industry. First, cybersecurity has become a mission-critical concern for businesses everywhere. Second, there’s been a shift to new network technologies that improve data collection, efficiency and time-to-market.