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Procedures: Runbook Automation that Works

One of the challenges of building and running information technology systems is solving novel problems. That's where frameworks like scrum and agile come in– getting from the unknown to the known with a minimum of frustration and waste. Another challenge is performing known tasks correctly every single time. Here runbooks, checklists, and documentation are your friend.

6 Steps for Establishing and Maintaining Digital Integrity

To create a secure digital profile, organizations need digital integrity. This principle encapsulates two things. First, it upholds the integrity of files that store operating system and application binaries, configuration data, logs and other crucial information. Second, it protects system integrity to make sure applications, endpoints and networks perform their intended functions without degradation or impairment.

Can Technology Keep Up With Cyber Threats?

At RSA 2018, TEISS spoke with Russell Spitler, Senior Vice President of Product at AlienVault, about whether technology can keep up with the relentless pace of cyber attacks. Russ offers insight into some of the key challenges faced by security industry professionals before demonstrating the capabilities of AlienVault's new, free threat hunting service that allows people to determine if their endpoints are infected with malware, ransomware, or other cyber threats.

What happened when we hacked an expo?

Last year we exhibited at a major information security trade show in London, during the preparation for this we received our exhibitor passes as “print yourself” PDF files. We immediately noticed that there are two forms of barcode here and, interestingly, the QR Code seems quite dense given that all it should be storing is a delegate ID number. Being the inquisitive sort of people that we are, we started up a QR scanner and had a look at its contents.

7 Questions for Evaluating your Security Posture against Insider Threats

Insider threats top the list of the most dangerous cyber risks for organizations worldwide. It doesn’t take much effort for insiders to steal your sensitive data, while such activities are hard to discover and impossible to prevent. Unfortunately, lack of visibility into user behavior is one of the key reasons why companies suffer from data breaches that involve either human negligence or malicious intent.

Securing Data Storage With UpGuard

Despite spending billions on cybersecurity solutions, private industry, government and enterprises alike are faced with the continued challenge of preventing data breaches. The reason cybersecurity solutions have not mitigated this problem is that the overwhelming majority of data exposure incidents are due to misconfigurations, typically by way of third-party vendors, not cutting-edge cyber attacks.

How long is your dwell time?

If many of the recent threat reports are to be believed, we can assume that, on the whole, businesses are not improving when it comes to detecting a network breach. In those isolated cases where improvement can be seen, the improvement is small. The Mandiant M-Trends 2018 report states that the median global dwell time sat at 101 days (in 2017). I can believe that.

Considering Architecture When Building a SOC

SOC architecture is a vital component to consider when building an effective and reliable SOC. It includes the consideration of SOC locations and centralization, SOC architecture and organizational size, SOC staffing, and SOC mixing up with a cloud. The subsequent sections delve into these essential points in great details.