Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Elastic named a Leader in The Forrester Wave: Security Analytics Platforms, Q4 2022

Elastic Security for SIEM continues to be recognized by leading industry analyst firms It’s that time of the year… and we’re not talking about the holidays. That’s right, it’s analyst report season. Elastic continues to be recognized by leading industry analyst firms. Today, Forrester Research recognized Elastic as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Security Analytics Platforms, Q4 2022. Elastic had the highest score in the Wave in the strategy category.

Log4j/Log4Shell One Year Later: Endemic Vulnerability Indeed

On December 9, 2021, Apache upended the cybersecurity industry by publishing a zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) for its ubiquitous Log4j logging utility. Dubbed Log4Shell, the remote code execution flaw (CVSS score:10) allows an attacker to take control of a connected device and run malicious code, access sensitive data or alter its configuration. Because Logj4 is free and easy-to-use, it’s embedded (often deeply) in Java applications used by IT and OT platforms worldwide.

Cloudflare Security Analytics, WAF Attack Score, and Uploaded Content Scanning

Cloudflare Security Analytics, WAF Attack Score, and Uploaded Content Scanning further enhance Cloudflare security and WAF capabilities. Security Analytics brings together all Cloudflare security detection capabilities in one place to show a detailed understanding of a site's traffic and threats. WAF Attack Score via machine learning scores every request with a probability of it being malicious. Uploaded Content Scanning scans content being uploaded to your application for malicious content.

Vanta is the #1 Leader in G2's Winter 2023 Grid Reports for Security Compliance

We are excited to share that Vanta has been named the #1 Leader in G2’s Winter 2023 Grid® Report for Security Compliance. We’ve also been recognized as the #1 Leader in G2’s Cloud Compliance category for the sixth consecutive season, and retained leadership in Vendor Management, Vendor Security and Privacy Assessment, Cloud Security, and IT Asset Management for multiple seasons. Vanta is the leader in a total of 19 G2 categories. ‍ ‍

3 Reasons Why You Should Fuzz Your Christmas Tree

A recent study shows that software attacks cause Millions of Christmas trees to go dark each year (Claus, 2021). Since many people believe that trees cannot be hacked, they tend to find themselves in a false sense of security that too often leaves them exposed. In this article, I want to show you why fuzzing is the right method to protect your Christmas tree against malicious software attacks while turning it into a video game console.

Automating web security testing within your DevOps pipelines

Seeker IAST helps organizations achieve continuous testing without creating friction in DevOps pipelines. In traditional security, developers run tests for code security and operators ensure that firewalls and other protections work in the production environment. Access control and other tasks are handled by security experts and managers. DevSecOps uses version control and CI/CD pipelines to configure and manage security tasks automatically, across all teams, before deployment.

Defragging database security in a fragmented cloud world

Security can often be distilled down to protecting data. And with microservice-driven applications, the approach to cloud database security has evolved quite dramatically. Beyond just securing data in the cloud, it’s now also difficult to know where the data resides, where the data is flowing, and how this data should be classified.

Instilling a Higher Level of Trust: Miles & Stockbridge

In this day and age securing data and ensuring clients are confident in their information being protected is imperative to build trust. So when integrating solutions how can you make sure that not only is data secure, but that you continue to increase bandwidth within your organization and mitigate future possible vulnerabilities?

2023 Cybersecurity Almanac

As we walk towards the end of 2022, full-scale predictions are made about the trends for cybersecurity in the upcoming year: how will cybersecurity affect us, what major cyber threats will dominate the landscape, and, where shall we allocate cybersecurity budgets? Above all, what can we do to secure our businesses and protect our tangible and intangible assets from cybercriminals’ activities?