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Say Hello to the NIST CSF 2.0

In August, NIST released the final draft of the highly anticipated update to its Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). The final draft is likely very close to what the final version will be when NIST releases it in early 2024. Therefore, it’s worth becoming familiar with the draft and beginning to plan how to use the NIST CSF 2.0 as a tool to strengthen your own cybersecurity posture.

Wallarm Webinar: NIST CSF 2.0, API Security, and CISO Imperatives

Last week, our good friend Raj Umadas, Director of Security at ActBlue, teamed up with our very own Tim Erlin, Head of Product, to talk about the newly proposed NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). It was a fantastic discussion covering the intent behind this update, the major changes from v1.1 to v2.0, and how it applies to API security. Raj and Tim really dug deep into a lot of issues, and answered a lot of questions from the audience.

NIST Cloud Security: Standards, Best Practices, & Benefits

Latest cloud security statistics reveal that 91% of all organizations have some portion of their IT environment hosted in cloud platforms. While cloud computing comes with many benefits, companies have trouble scaling up the security to meet the data and privacy challenges posed by it.

NIST Cybersecurity & Privacy Program

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 1.1 has been a critical reference to help reduce or mitigate cybersecurity threats to Critical Infrastructures. First launched in 2014, it remains the de facto framework to address the cyber threats we have seen. However, with an eye toward addressing more targeted, sophisticated, and coordinated future threats, it was universally acknowledged that NIST CSF 1.1 required updating.

Demystifying NIST Vulnerability Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Protecting sensitive information and securing digital assets now require the use of cybersecurity. Organizations must employ proactive steps to spot and address vulnerabilities as cyber threats continue to become more complex and sophisticated. Vulnerability assessment is one such method, which is important in cybersecurity risk management.

Changes to NIST CSF 2.0: GRC Newsflash

At TrustCloud, we’re on a mission to democratize compliance, so we’re kicking off GRC Newsflash – a series where our experts give you a quick rundown on the latest buzz happening in the GRC, security, and privacy world. Today’s edition features our Compliance Specialist Frank Kyazze, and covers updates of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0, announced on August 8, 2023.

Choosing a NIST CSF Compliance Product in 2023 (Key Features)

Whether you’re a large or small business, the cybersecurity framework by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (a federal agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce) offers an efficient roadmap to an improved cybersecurity posture. Compared to other popular cyber frameworks, like ISO 27001, NIST CSF is more effective at mitigating data breaches, especially during the initial stages of implementing a cyber risk management program.

The NIST CSF 2.0: Framework Governance?

In this week's episode, Bill and Robin discuss the brand-new cybersecurity framework from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Dubbed the NIST CSF 2.0, this expands on their first iteration by adding a new pillar of 'Governance.' What is the CSF, how is 2.0 different from 1.0, and why should you care? Learn all this and more on the latest episode of The Ring of Defense!

FIPS 140-2: Validation VS Compliance

NIST established the crucial set of guidelines known as FIPS 140-2 to safeguard sensitive data, particularly for governmental organizations. It is to provide security and privacy when encrypting and decrypting data. The primary distinction between FIPS 140-2 validation and compliance is that. In contrast, validation involves determining if a system or product has been developed to comply with the standard’s requirements; compliance is putting those requirements into practice.