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The Increasing Incentive for Legacy Companies to Challenge Patents

Across all industries, the incentive for legacy companies to challenge patents, has increased. Why? Because it's proven to be a valuable tactic in slowing or stopping competitors - ultimately impeding innovation as these disruptive companies are forced to spend significant money defending themselves. The impact? According to @Harvard Business Review so-called patent trolls cost defendants an average of $29B per year.

Using ggshield Throughout The Software Development Lifecycle - A Developer's View of GitGuardian

Take a tour of how developers commonly use ggshield, the free and open source GitGuardian CLI to find hardcoded secrets. We will also see how developers participate in the remediation process. In this video demo, see: Learn more at

How Ransomware Sanctions Can Affect Cyber Insurance

With the rise of ransomware attacks on public and private sector organizations, insurance companies have been forced to pay large sums of money to cover the cost of these attacks. However, with UK legislation on ransomware sanctions that prevents them from paying ransomware, insurers will no longer be expected to pay out for these types of attacks. Connect with Your host James Rees Hello, I am James Rees, the host of the Razorwire podcast. This podcast brings you insights from leading cyber security professionals who dedicate their careers to making a hacker’s life that much more difficult.