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API Security Insights: The Architect's Perspective #APIArchitect #ProactiveSecurity #TechInsights

API architects play a critical role in building secure systems by applying proactive controls to prevent vulnerabilities. Their approach focuses on designing APIs with security as a foundation, ensuring stronger protection for every system.

How to Build a Discord Bot in 16 Minutes (Part 2)

This is the second video of our series 'How to Build a Discord Bot'. In this video, we will be learning about what Wordle is and how it works as well as building out the logic for the bot and testing it out. Stay tuned for the next video where we start using a database to store the Wordle results! Each video will be published one week from the previous.

The hardware that powers Cloudflare: AI-capable Gen 12 servers and more

Join host João Tomé and Cloudflare’s Head of Hardware Engineering, Syona Sarma, for a discussion on Cloudflare’s latest Generation 12 hardware innovations, broadcast from the Lisbon office. As Cloudflare expands its global network across over 330 cities and 120 countries, explore how the company is evolving its hardware infrastructure to meet the demands of modern technology, particularly in the AI era.