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Turn unstructured data into insights with Sumo Logic

Achieve maximum visibility into your structured and unstructured data with Sumo Logic’s AI-powered Log Analytics Platform. With schema on-demand, there’s no need to organize your data before uploading. Gain real-time insights, visualize patterns, and centralize your data into a single source of truth to power every step of your DevSecOps journey.

Tanium Ask - AI-Powered Question Bar - Tanium Tech Talks #111

Tanium Ask is an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered, natural language question bar that enables users to easily and rapidly query for real-time information about their environment. Leveraging industry-leading large language models, Tanium Ask can translate unstructured text input into high-fidelity queries with precise sensor and targeting parameters.

From Confidence to Competence: Overcoming Secrets Management Challenges

Check out this insightful discussion on the realities of secrets management, featuring Grace Law, Principal Security Engineer in Application Security at a large insurance company, and Chris Smith, Product Marketing Director for Machine Identities & DevSecOps at CyberArk. Together, they’ll share real-world experiences and strategies for overcoming the most pressing challenges in secrets management and security.

SOC It to 'em: Shifting from Reactivity to Proactivity in Sec Ops with Jessica Hebenstreit

Jessica Hebenstreit, Faculty Member at IANS, presented "SOC It to 'em: Shifting from Reactivity to Proactivity in Sec Ops" for this weeks Defender Fridays session. Be part of our weekly interactive discussion where security professionals share real-world insights and practical knowledge.

The Future (and Present) of the Internet, AI, and Tech with Nicholas Thompson

This week, host João Tomé is joined by Nicholas Thompson, CEO of The Atlantic and former editor-in-chief of Wired, during his participation at Web Summit, the international event held in Lisbon with over 70,000 attendees. In this conversation, Thompson discusses the Internet, AI, social media, and the challenge of protecting content creators from AI crawlers—a problem Cloudflare’s AI Audit is designed to address. We also explore the 2024 media landscape, its future, and its role in supporting democracy.